Tuesday, May 4, 2010



Its not often in a person's life they can feel that they are responsible for creating something that benefits all mankind. For those individuals who are fortunate enough to be blessed with the chance to contribute to the overall good of humanity; it is a once in a lifetime opportunity. But, as history has shown, for these individuals, their contributions were usually met with skepticism and ridicule. They usually had to endure the scorn of family and friends. The Savior came to this world with the most important message ever delivered to mankind, but even he didn't escape the doubts and criticism of his own family members.

Jn.7:1-6, After this, the Savior went around in Galilee, purposely staying away from Judea because the Jews there were waiting to take his life. But when the Jewish feast of Tabernacles was near, his brothers said to him, “You ought to leave here and go to Judea, so that your disciples may see the miracles that you do. No one who wants to become a public figure acts in secret. Since you are doing these things, show yourself to the world.” For even his own brothers did not believe in him. (Changes to the name of the Savior mine)

The Savior's brothers didn't understand why they had to be the ones with the strange brother going around saying all these crazy things, so they decided to see if they could get their own brother to commit what we would call today, “Suicide by Cop.” They knew full well that they would be sending their brother to his death if he were to take them up on their offer to leave while those who were seeking to kill him were expecting him, but he was weird and they didn't want to have anything to do with him. So they wanted him to go to where the people who were in authority and who also wanted him dead would be.

(I know and I am completely convinced in my heart and soul that the message contained in Letters to the Black Man and Woman is the most important information of the twenty-first century. Yet, many today that I , also, have known and loved my entire life, now look upon me as if I am weird; simply because of the things I say in these letters. But, I have always pressed on in spite of all the doubts!)

Just as it was the case for the Savior; who's brothers finally came to realize just who he was only after his death, because now we see today that at least one of his brother – James – is responsible for writing one of the books in what's called the New Testament: The same has always been true for many other individuals who, even though in later years their ideas would prove to help contribute to the improvement and enhancement of the collective knowledge and comfort of humankind; they themselves, however, for the most part, never received recognition and acceptance for their contribution to humanity. And it was during their lifetime that, in many cases, they would struggle just to have the basic necessities of life, but they would still continue to do what they knew in their heart to be a very important work We take for granted today the fact that we live on a spherical planet, but this assumption was not always the case. If it wasn't for a Portuguese born explorer who was so ridiculed by his own countrymen for his ideas that he became destitute and desperate, which caused him to seek the support of the king of Spain; many people back then would have continued to not fully understand the planet we live on. Ferdinand Magellan's expedition of 1519-1522, which was the first (according to European history) successful voyage to circumnavigate the earth. It was this voyage that confirmed what he already believed – The world was round! Unfortunately for him, he never got to enjoy the fact that he was right because he didn't survive the journey.

(From the very moment that I completed the writing of these letters; I have sort the support of those I thought would be the most happy and appreciative to read this information: Only to also be ridiculed and disappointed time and time again. But, I still pressed on forward!)

The people who have been the most responsible for the advancement of civilization would, most often, meet with opposition from every sector of society, and yet they still never gave in to the pressure place upon them by those who didn't understand the importance of the work they were doing. These men and women of our past, and present, operated with a conviction and determination that most people will never understand or experience during their lifetime. Who really knows where the world would be today if it wasn't for the dogged determination of an American born inventor. Before 1879 (or there about) the streets of all major cities here in America and in Europe were lit by gas burning street lanterns, and most homes were still using candles for a light source. Even though this was a very dangerous way to produce light, the gas providing companies, back then, held a monopoly in the industry at the time, and they were not about to relinquish their control over this industry without putting up a tremendous fight. This is the environment that Thomas Edison had to introduce his idea of an incandescent light bulb. He was met with many challenges from without and from within. He spent many years, and over six thousands attempts trying to find a filament that would be conducive for electricity to pass through without immediately burning up in the process. By the time he finally came to realize that a carbonized cotton thread filament would allow for a long burning light bulb to exist; he was heavily in debt, he was being threaten with eviction notices, and had many lawsuits looming over his head. But today, we in the twenty-first century, for better or for worse, would not be able to function if it had not been for the shear determination of this visionary inventor.

(I have introduced these letters into an environment where Christianity, Islam, and Judaism now hold the monopoly on all concepts of religious beliefs, and I have been met with opposition and challenges on every level and from every sector of society. But, still, I have only pressed on ever forward, because I know that these letters reveal the truth to all who read them!)

We are now at the time in human history when another such great contribution has been given to mankind. Civilization today is on a course towards self destruction and total annihilation. Mankind has chosen the path of greed and self gratification, which has violated all the natural laws governing our existence here on earth and that control the universe at large. His greed has caused him to pollute the air we breath to sustain our lives. The very land that produces the food we need for our survival is now, becoming saturated with toxins and chemicals. The rivers and oceans which provide our drinking water and an additional food source, are increasingly becoming contaminated. Instead of mankind choosing the path which would have placed him in harmony with nature; this present civilization has chosen to violate and destroy nature. Now, the earth, itself, is showing signs of rejecting the continual infestation being done to it by humankind. Soon, mankind will be called upon to give an account for his breaking of all the laws that allow life to continue to exist here on this planet.

Since June 2006, there has only been one presence on the Internet providing the truth of how and why this present civilization must, and will be, stopped before all life on the planet becomes extinct. This revelation has come at the expense of many losses and many hardships, but only with shear determination; has the warning to all mankind continued to go out. Letters To The Black Man And Woman is this warning. Although this ten letter series is addressed to the black man and woman; it should be read by all who wish to survive the coming calamity, which the result of centuries of violating natural laws require. And now, with the aid of one of the largest, if not the largest, publishing web site on the Internet, scribd.com with a subscriber list in the millions is now allowing nukeyofknowledge.com to use its online store to help give exposure of these letters to a much wider audience. That's right, you can now purchase all ten letters by going to this safe and secure online store to purchase your letters directly from this web site. This online store allows you to preview each letter before you decide to purchase it. You also now have the convenience of using your major credit cards to make your purchases. I heard and understood your frustrations from the confusion and the difficulty of trying to purchase the letters from the nukey web site, which was the best web site a man with very little knowledge and money, at that time, could have provided. This new experience, however, should make retrieving your letters much faster and easier. During this time that the letters are being offered in the scribd online store: The nukey web site will not be accepting request for purchasing letters until further notice.

Will you be among the many that doubt and ridicule the only message being given to this present civilization of its impending doom, or will you be among the few who took the time to investigate whether or not there was any truth to this message!

To go directly to the scribd.com online store to purchase these letters, click on the link below or copy it to your address window.