Friday, November 28, 2008


At a time when your people are celebrating: A time when they are jubilant and excited; I offer this prayer. Forgive us for our betrayal. Forgive us for our denial. Forgive us for our weaknesses and frailties. We have rejected the truth, and willingly served a lie. We have turned our backs on the light and chased after darkness. Our forefathers turned their backs to knowledge and embraced ignorance, superstitions, and lies as intelligence, and we are their children. Everyday we curse your Holy Names. Everyday we profane your heavenly glory by giving praises to your enemy: To the treacherous trader who has deceived your people. Be merciful to your people. Remember your promises of love and forgiveness. Remember you promised not to destroy all your people in your anger. Remember your promise to leave a remnant of your people on the earth. Oh Great Heavenly Ones please overlook their ignorance. Don’t hold all the blame on your people for denying the truth of your existence. I know you’ve told them to open their eyes, ears, and heart. You’ve told them to look at nature, and the laws of life, so they will see with their own eyes, that in every living thing it takes two forces to create life; not one. Life can only come from two opposite forces. When you said let “US” make mankind in “OUR” image, male and female. You were revealing that it is two Creators! A male and a female Creator, and we, male and female, were made in your images. The usurper has deceived your people into believing that a male creative force alone can create life, and he now has not only your people, but also the entire world worshiping him.

Our truth and our history has been lost to us for thousands of years, and it is only because of the promise you made to us that our true identity, along with our true history, would be restore to us just before the end of this age. I thank you for your mercy, and I thank you for all those you will allow to see this truth and speak your Holy Names! I thank you for sending our True Savior into this world. And, I thank you for all those you will reveal his True Name too as well. Now that the “Second Sign” of the end of this age is starting to manifest itself, I pray that you will remember your promise to protect those that you love from the trials that are already starting to appear on the earth. You said when your people say “peace at last” the end will come! Well, they are already humming the tune, and in a few more months; they just may feel they now have reasons to breakout into a full chorus: So please – Be Merciful!

I have done as you have asked, and restored your truth to a people who hate the truth and love the lie. I have told the first people who appeared on the earth (Blacks) that they have no business worshipping the god of the last people who appeared on the earth (Europeans). I have tried to lead them away from ignorance and return them to knowledge. As you showed me, I simplified your truth and made it easy to understand with a ten letter series. So, the truth could be restore a little at a time. I knew and I expected that there would be many who would be offended by these letters, so only those who are willing to make a small investment will read the letters for now. But soon, the whole world will know of them. Here is my claim that I have made on your behalf.

“Letter to the Black Man and Woman”: In order for Africa to achieve borders without boundaries, a clear understanding of its people’s Biblical identity, history, and heritage must be addressed. By using the Bible, “Letters to the Black Man and Woman” have attempted to address the conditions of the people of Africa and their descendants. An extensive examination into the loss identity and history of these people is explored in this ten-part series. The results have uncovered a remarkable and rich heritage that will bring joy and happiness to Blacks all over the world. Each letter gradually uncovers this revelation. (1) By establishing the fact that black skin is not a curse. (2) Locating our ancestry as it relates to the Bible. (3) Recovering our ancient customs. (4) Rediscovering the African mythos. (5) Find our mother – “Mitochondria Eve” and our father – “Y Chromosomal Adam.” (6) Explore the birthplace of humanity. (7) Reveal the true identity of the Nubian people. (8) Unearth the truth of the ancient African calendar. (9) The female principal. (10) The divine design in the heavens. The information that is provided in these letters: The knowledge that was once possessed by the people of Africa will once again return Blacks and Africans to their greatness and their rightful position of leadership. We can look forward to the promise contained in the Bible that we will all someday have a glorious homecoming in Africa. That day there will be no need for borders or boundaries!

Ralph Nathanial Wells,

I pray that your mercy will always endure!

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