Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I’ve decided this year that I will address those of you who have purchased the complete set of letters. I’ve decided this because, although some of you have taken advantage of requesting this calendar, others of you have not. It has always been, and will continue to be, my policy to respect whatever decision each individual make concerning the letters, bible studies, and calendar. My intentions, however, is to make sure I have done everything within my power to stress to everyone who comes in contact with this work; the importance of the message this work is trying desperately to get out to the world.

In just the last three years since I made the first Holy Calendar available to those who completely the letter series; there has been a dramatic change in the world that we live in. In this short amount of time – as I predicted – major world shaking events have taken place. The USA economy is now spiraling out of control, and there doesn’t seem to be any effort made that has even slowed the inevitable collapse of this nation’s economy down – much less stopped it altogether. Millions of people here in America and around the world that invested their money in these markets that are failing on a daily basis, and they are now watching their life savings dwindle down to nothing. Banks in America and around the world are being taken over by their own governments. The housing market has all but collapsed, and people are losing their homes with nowhere to go but to the streets, so that, for the first time in a very long time; a new class of homeless people is forming. Many of these people have been hit twice as hard already, because they have also lost their jobs. Unlike the “Great Depression” of the 1930’s, the entire world is now a global economy, and what goes for America – so goes for the rest of the world: Europe, Russia, China (China much less), and Japan’s economies are also in a free fall. The same difficulties that are being felt by many Americans, is being felt three times as hard for people of these other nations. Let us not overlook the condition of those who live in the poorest nations of the world; where these people struggle every day just to have food to eat and clean water to drink.

I was not the only one who warned of this coming world condition; many others, for reasons of their own (more about that a little later), warned that we would see these conditions starting as early as year 2009. But, it is not just a global economic condition that the world is now experiencing: Because, so much attention (perhaps deliberately) is being focus on the economic crisis; a just as equally disturbing event is taking place with the world’s weather pattern is not receiving nearly as much attention. I hope that all of you are watching and paying close attention to world news and events. The most notable of these changing weather condition is the fact that the polar ice caps are melting at a much more alarming rate then any of the scientists predicted. The faster these huge chunks of ice melt, the faster the world sea levels rises. At the present rate of melting; the predictions by the scientists who closely observe and monitor these events taking place is that in as little as ten years; the shorelines of certain nations will be completely under water. Australia, which is a continent located very close to the south pole, is already experiencing weather conditions never recorded in the history of that country. And, more disturbing weather events is taking place in almost every nation on earth, but most people are not paying attention. It’s not just the weather either: In the last few years, strange events have been taking place in the insect and animal kingdom as well. Two years ago, or there about, scientist started to notice that bees were starting to disappear from around the world. It is bees that help to cross-pollinate almost every plant that produce edible food for mankind. Personally, I believe that the disappearance of the bees is due to scientist introducing genetically altered plants into our environment. These scientist thought they could improve on the creation of the Creators. But, now as they are learning, however late, the process that sustains life on this planet is an intricate and complicated balancing and harmony of nature. The introduction of these genetically altered plants may have caused the chain reaction that we now see taking place with the animals. Almost on a weekly basis, you hear of some strange disappearance or sickness being experienced by animals. A few months ago, spread out on beaches in California, brown pelicans were mysteriously found dead. They just fell from the sky and started dying. Many more such stories are being reported around the world – are you paying attention!

As I stated earlier, I was not the only one who predicted these events: But, what some have seen as a great conspiracy of the governments of the world to form a “New World Order,” I have understood and stated that these were the contingency plans of governments. It has always been my contention that the leaders of these governments have always known that conditions on the earth were going to cause a collapse of our present civilization, and they have been planning for decades their contingency plan for their survival. They are the masters of the deception and the misdirection, so for many decades they have allowed many to believe they were planning some great take over of the world, which never really made sense, because they already ran the world. What have really been taking place have been their plans to suspend governments, and protect certain individuals once critical conditions on the earth made it impossible to continue normal life. As the year 2012 approaches ever closer and closer, their plans to suspend the stock markets, control all banks by controlling and restricting the use of all currency (this allows for only a few to amass great wealth), and by basically dismantling everything we call civilization is now being placed into effect. This will allow for them to insure that certain people will survive the coming great tribulation. Their plan is to leave as high as ninety percent of the world population unprotected just so they will have enough resources to survive themselves. They have been playing this scenario out in the movies presented to the public for decades now. So, if you are not a high ranking government official, a scientist or other equally important knowledgeable individual, or a famous person who is deem worthy of saving; then you will be left with the billions of other people on this planet to fend for yourselves.

This is their plan for survival. This is how they see the coming events. Their plan is to maintain the status quo. Their plan is to try to ensure the survival on this earth of this system that is enmity towards the true Creators. They refuse to acknowledge the true Creators of heaven and earth, and they plan to go to war to stop the true Creators’ plan to take back control of the affairs of this planet. Their hostility towards the true Creators has become a mania, and they refuse to surrender to a higher authority just as the god they serve refused to do millennia’s ago. They have been preparing for the destruction of mankind for centuries; that’s why they taught a false religion to mankind: So, they will be willing to fight what they perceive as an alien invasion to the earth. That’s why they taught evolution in the schools: So, they could hide the true history of the world: The history that would reveal that the first man and woman were created in Africa in the image and likeness of these Two Creators.

But I say to you, as I have been saying all along, that you do not have to suffer through the coming world calamities, nor do you have to die from hunger and starvation, sickness and disease, or experience the pains of war for you and your love ones. If you have been fortunate enough to read all the, “Letters To The Black Man And Woman” series, then it is within your power to help yourself. The Creators of heaven and earth have given you a simple responsibility to ensure your safety and protection. They require from you that you do your part to see to it that the message of their coming world ruling kingdom goes out into the entire world. All of you that I’m addressing in this letter have read the letters. You have made a decision one way or the other, but as the conditions on the earth continue to worsen; I just want to make sure that you are sure that you have made the right decision. If you knew for a fact that making a contribution to this work would be the difference between life and death for you and those that you love; wouldn’t you do it? Well, the Creators don’t want you to know for a fact. They want you to read, study, and prove whether this information is true or not; then, once you have done that, they want you to have faith: Faith that they will protect you if you support their work! Time is starting to run out. I pray that all of you who have already read the letters will come to see the importance of the role each of you play in doing this very important work, and make the commitment to do your part. Those who have already made the commitment to tithe of their income and to give offerings to this work; please don’t be offended, and don’t think that my not mentioning you; that your contributions are not appreciated.

Each year the list continue to grow for those who have made the commitment to read these letters, but for some reasons, not everyone chooses to take the next step. I have never tried to force anyone, and I’m not going to start now, to do anything they don’t want to do. I believe I was placed on this earth to first, warn mankind that the time for judgment on this generation of civilization has finally come: Which, I have done, and continue to do. Secondly, As the True Savior told Peter to, “Feed My Flock;” I have also been doing that by revealing to blacks that the time of our knowledge returning to us has come. By demonstrating in the letters that we are the true descendants of the people who originally wrote the bible, and that the message of the bible is for us. Those who read the letters and accepted this knowledge, I began to reveal the details of our lost knowledge in bible studies and through the Holy Calendar. The return of the knowledge of the Holy Calendar to this earth is one of the – along with the writing of the letters – greatest achievements in our history. The importance of the return of this calendar for us as black people, and the world as a whole, is so wonderful that if most people fully understood; they would all shout for joy. You can’t even understand the true message of the bible unless you understand the knowledge contained in the Holy Calendar.

The knowledge contained in the Letters and the Holy Calendar is more precious than gold and silver. The knowledge contained in these two works contains life – Eternal Life! If you only understand one of the message, as many of you do now, then you will never understand the wonderful and beautiful plan that is outlined in the message of the bible that only having the knowledge contained in the Holy Calendar can reveal. So, this year, as the conditions on the earth continue to worsen, I’m going to, only for those who have purchased the letters; do a special bible study series that will reveal the true meaning of the Holy Calendar. As most of you are aware because I also shared this information with you, a few months ago, I did a bible study on the Holy Calendar for my groups on the Internet. But, because this bible study was directed towards those who had not read the letters, much of the information concerning the Holy Calendar had to be left out of that study. Since this bible study will be directed towards you that have already completed the letters; it will reveal the whole plan that is being worked out down here on this planet earth, and it is this calendar that was given to mankind from their Creators that outlined this wonderful plan. I hope all of you will take advantage of this knowledge, because as I have done in the past; I will only make the Holy Calendar and this bible study available to those who request it. So, I’m going to send this letter to each of you individually, and I think I will post it to my blog page, www.willean21.blogspot.com, incase there be some others who might want to order the letters so they can participate in this bible study.

The calendar will be available March 10, 2009 to all those who send me an email requesting that they be included in this bible study. The bible study will also begin on that date as well.

For those who have not read the letters yet, but would like to have the knowledge contain in this calendar and upcoming bible study, you will need to go to, www.nukeyofknowledge.com, and order the, “Letters To The Black Man And Woman” series.

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