Thursday, February 19, 2009


First, Dad, I would like to start out with an apology. I had a trying day at work yesterday and when I saw your email I used that to direct my anger. You know I love you too and I am thankful to have had a father like you growing up: One with such strong convictions and devotions.That has definitely rubbed off on me, and when I think about it, from time to time, I know exactly where it came from. Oh yeah, I spelled it wrong but romanticization is a real word.

Now let's get into it.

"The animals, plants, and some species of fishes that don't do this for the reasons I've already stated and others; are the exceptions to the rule and not the norm."

That is my point. There is no norm. With all the rules of nature there is something or some species that defies that law. And for the record, owls and bats being nocturnal has nothing to do with humanity. They have been like that since they have been around. Your statement disproves what you are saying. If there is a reason for an animal to be nocturnal and it does so then humans aren't the only ones who can do that. It's just that simple.

I love being black. I love black people. What I don't like is the fact that some black Americans think that just because their skin is relatively the same as another's then that means we are all brothers. It's just simply not true. I know that humanity started in Africa and I know that all man basically comes from the same source .If you are going to bring up Africa Eve you need to also bring up the fact that she was not the first human woman. And although her DNA is in all ofus, there is plenty of proof that she was not the only woman at the time when she was alive. And even though the other women's DNA is not our MRCA (most recent common ancestor) you can still find their nuclear genes in many human genomes today. If she was the first and only woman of that time the human race would have been extinct by now due to "Population bottleneck" which is an evolutionary theory that at some point a catastrophic occurrence will happen to limit the population of a species. In the case of humans this occurrence was about 70,000 years ago when the Toba Supervocano erupted in Indonesia and left about 15,000 people on the earth.

There is irrefutable physical evidence that that volcano did erupt and killed many humansmost by the lava and the other by the extreme climate change and destruction of plant life, tress, land mass', water supplies and… you get the picture. If you are going to publish our conversations and show your bible study group you bringing me to the woodshed then Ihope you show them this too. This bottleneck theory also explains the extinction of the dinosaurs and other extinct plant life. Also, If you think that Eve was talking a formal language, building a home or even knew what the wheel is then it is you who are uncomfortable with your skin, by over glorification, which I think many blacks do and want to believe that we started out talking and cooking from jump street. There is no proof of that and if one looks at the lineage of humans through a non-religious scope will find that it is not probable.

Let's talk about this "discovery of time". One can't discover something that is always there. That is my problem with the story of America. White people are always saying that Columbus found America even though there were people already here. That is ridiculous. The same goes with your claim that some one discovered time. Time was already in existence. It just took some time (no pun intended) for humans to track what was going on and makes sense out of it. I imaginethat this is more of a semantic argument than an actual one but nonetheless I think there is a better way to convey your point.

"Ralph, my son, because blacks fought each other and killed each other does not diminish the greatness of their accomplishments. Don't you see that it could only be a form of self- hatred that would make a person put down the accomplishment of his own race, or to hold them to a standard he would not hold any other race?"

Not once did I put down the accomplishments of anyone. Again you are trying to put words in my mouth. All I was saying is that the fact that they did some amazing things does not negate them from the innate cruelty of man. And the reason I bring that up is to show that man is,in and of itself, a killing entity. And no, I don't think that makes me a self-hater. You throwing a judgment call at me are not proving me wrong. The fact is that human's survival gift on this planet is our mind. We developed bigger brains than our primate counterparts (whichby the way, 98 to 99% of your DNA structure is exactly the same as a gorilla) and with that bigger brain, mankind has always tried to answer the big question, "How did we get here?" In the past, the beginning of that answer always starts with the sun. Then it goes from there to the
reincarnate of god (the sun) through one man. As you very well know the story of Jesus is common one that has been told time and time again in many different cultures with many different variations. Someone calls himself a wise man and tells these stories and everyone thinks he has the answers. And with a little evidence they ostensibly seem like the right person to follow. With out any real science some things can seem more than what they are. For instance, let us go back to your sun and moon example. Okay the sun's rays helps the plants grow. And the moon's cycle is similar to a women's menstrual cycle. So what, female gorillas menstruate monthly (they have sex all year around like us) and there is no talk about them being apart of the kingdom of god or them having a need to worship the sun and moon.

Our survival mechanism is the same thing that has lead to our demise. Our minds made god. And in god's name many different humans Caucasians, Africans, Asians, Hispanics have killed their own and others. We don't even need a history lesson for that one. Look at what is now going on with Israel and the Palestinians. They have been fighting for a hundred years cause the Zionist want everyone to believe that god said that land belongs to them but you and I know they stole that land long time ago after they infiltrated the Egyptian empirical system and moved their people to Canaan and brutally took over the Canaanites and that is how Islam was formed. Or take Pakistan and India. They have been fighting for hundreds of years in the name of their gods.I want to say more but I have to catch a bus and I am sure you will have fun with this. Write me back when you have the time.

Love you, dad!

Apology accepted my son. I should say that it is my fault that you are only now receiving a response from me to your rebuttal to my arguments of our last debate. Your response was timely. It was I who needed to recharge my battery, because I had so many things going on at the time. This time you seem to have given your arguments more consideration, and you have also taken the time to write with a much more legible style, which makes it easier to understand the points you are trying to make. I had to defend your intelligence to some of my readers the last time you wrote with that broken English that is being used today on the Internet and text messaging.

Son, I know how difficult it is to do the type of work you are doing, and still be able to maintain your perspective of reality. I know most people would find it very difficult to deal with the most troubled youth of our society on a daily basis. The fact that a young man, such as yourself, would willingly choose to do this right out of college says a lot about you. Not only do you possess patience that most of us would find difficulty in summoning when needed; you demonstrate this patience everyday. As your father, it concerns me that your life has been threaten on more then one occasion by the very ones you are trying to help, and although I’m very proud of you; I pray for you continually. As I told you before, you are a natural born diplomat and for you: trying to resolve conflict comes instinctively. Your willingness to listen and try to see the other side to every issue is a testament to this fact. And, I want you to know that I do believe that diplomacy has its place in our society. It is a useful and valuable tool needed in a world filled with ignorance and hatred. But, what should never be forgotten is the fact that diplomacy, by its very definition, removes fault, fines no fault, and accepts no fault.

After giving this subject a considerable amount of thought: I now feel that it is I, my son, who owes you an apology. When you attempt, as you do again and again in your rebuttal above, to demonstrate that everybody and all races are equally as good, equally as bad, and equally as everything else that could come up in your world view: You’re not expressing self-hatred, nor are you demonstrating anti-blackness: No, you’re just simply being the diplomat that you are. So, I apologize for my statements of our last debate. But, just because I’m apologizing: don’t think that I’m going to let you off the hook!

Diplomacy is the art of attempting to reconcile differences between opposing views. Rarely, if ever, is one view looked upon as the wrong view as opposed to another view, because you wouldn’t be able to tell those who hold their view that they are wrong, and still achieve a peaceful resolution or reconciliation. So, what really happens when diplomacy is used to solve conflict or, as in this case, differences of opinions: Neither side is neither right nor wrong, and the very important principals of right and wrong are, in effect, canceled out to achieve what is called neutrality. Blame is almost never placed on anyone. No matter how much cruelty has been inflicted on one people by another people; no matter how much injustice has been done by one ruling power to the inferior power; and no matter how much blood is shed by an occupying force on the native people: Diplomacy always attempts to resolve the conflict peacefully. The reality of most of these situations – I know it is difficult for someone like you to accept – is that someone has gotten away with committing a punishable crime.

I, on the other hand, am a man of faith and convictions and I’m not bound by the rules of diplomacy, nor am I restricted by the delusions of a world or a nation or a people or a person, which must always be seen as being without fault just so the (sometimes) false idea of diplomacy can be embraced in order to see everything and everybody as equal. I firmly believe that there is right and there is wrong, and these principals are real laws as real as the law of gravity is real! And, when this fact is overlooked, as it is very often done with diplomacy, a violation of laws that have very real and very lasting effects has taken placed, and the natural repercussions for violating these laws begin to accumulate, and an unavoidable, inescapable punishment begins to accrue as well. So, when a nation, a people, or a person violates these principals of right and wrong – good and evil: They are only bringing condemnation down on their heads. Living in this physical world as we do today, most people have forgotten all about these spiritual laws, and they have convinced themselves that no matter what their conduct is; they will not have to answer to anyone or anything. This was not always the case. There was a time when mankind understood that although we lived in a physical world: The world itself, and the universe too, operated under spiritual laws. It’s these spiritual laws you are referencing above when you made your statements about “Nature.”

In your statements above, you have accused me of putting words in your mouth and making a judgment call about your intentions: If you feel that were the case, then I hope you will accept the apology I have given. But, I also feel that you have mischaracterized my words too! You seem to be under the impression that I find no fault with blacks, because I state the crimes of Whites. If you had actually read the letters I sent you, then you would know that I placed the blame for everything that has gone wrong in this world squarely on the shoulders of blacks. It was our ancestors who first committed the crimes that are now responsible for the conditions we find the world in today. It is however, the European people who have now taken these crimes to a global level, and it will be this civilization that they are responsible for creating on the earth that will come under judgment first. So, if I have not made this point clear to you son, let me now state it in the simplest of language possible: Those individuals who live by the principal of good (regardless of race, nationality or gender) are right, and will be protected from the punishment that is about to come on the earth. Those people who do evil (regardless of race, nationality, or gender) are wrong, and will not escape the natural law of punishment for the crimes that have been committed on the earth. And, just as a person can’t alter the law of gravity by wishing it didn’t exit as their car runs of a cliff, they will no more be able to alter the laws of good and evil – right and wrong! If an individual, either through misguided intentions, misplaced loyalty, deceptive teachings, or just plan ignorance embraces the principals of wrong and evil: The punishment for braking these laws will still apply. That’s why I have offered to anyone, regardless of race, nationality, or gender, who is willing to take advantage of this life saving knowledge to go to my website,, so they can read the letters, and begin the process of coming out of the laws that have now permeated our society, and thus remove the punishment that is now hanging over the head of every man, woman, and child living on this planet.

Now, to the subject at hand: You have made a lot of, what I feel, are unsubstantiated statements in the rebuttal you gave above. I know you feel that these are facts because they came from authoritative individuals and texts books; so for me to just tell you that even though some of these are the acceptable teachings today on many of the subjects you have brought up; this fact doesn’t necessarily make them true: So, you will, more then likely, not accept this as a legitimate response either. This is the point that you have not yet come to realize: Much of the information that is being taught in the churches, bible, Quran, Torah, universities, colleges, and text books are not only inaccurate, but are many times flat out lies!

I am impressed, however, with the points of your argument. You have really put together a fine rebuttal, and if this was a professional fight; you would have landed some good jabs and won this round. But no knockout punch was landed. I’m confident that I will come back in the next round.

Since you have brought up so many topics in your rebuttal, and the fact that my response has already gotten very long; I would like to address each one of these topics individually. So, I think it will be best to continue this discussion at a later date. This way I will be able to respond to each one of these topics, one at a time. I’m also going to ask, since you have all these points, that you please be patient until I have covered each of your them. Next time, try to limit your topics to two or three, so the response won’t have to be so long.

So, then Son, the first of your arguments that I will cover in my next installment will be your assertion that there is no “Norm” found in nature, so therefore there are no exceptions to the rules.

Until then,

Love Dad!

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