Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Sucking The Children Day By Day; Babylon System Is The Vampire; Sucking The Blood Of The Sufferers; Building Church And University; Deceiving The People Continually; Me Say, Them Graduating Thieves And Murderers. LOOK OUT NOW!

Like all those who came before him and after him that have tried to warn the people, this warning of the musical prophet Bob Marley has fallen on deaf ears. When I first heard the words to this sung some twenty years, or so ago, I didn’t understand this warning either. I had lived the majority of my life, up until that time, completely indoctrinated into the teachings of Christianity. The first sounds of this new music called Reggae that made it’s way to the shores of America, and onto the airwaves of radio stations wasn’t the politically charged and controversial songs such as Babylon System. The Reggae songs I first heard were “I Shot The Sheriff, Waiting In Vain, and Three Little Birds.” So, this music started out being just a very enjoyable form of entertainment to listen to for me. It wasn’t until I actually started my own collection of Bob Marley’s music that it became clear to me that there was a very powerful message in this music. After I was able to overcome the preprogrammed fear that is ingrained into the psyche of all those who accepts the religion of Christianity; from that point forward, this music would go on to have a very profound effect on my life. It may have even been the catalyst that started the engine in my head turning; at the very least, it would be one of the tools that were used to help open my eyes to the truth.

Mankind, for the most part, has never understood the system that has ruled the world since the time of the ancient Egyptians. Yes, that is correct; the world today is being ruled by a system that left ancient Egypt over two thousands years ago. And, now as the world awaits the swearing in of the most charismatic and eloquent speaker to hold this office of world leader in recent history, people all around the world are praying that world peace will be ushered in with his administration. This will have to wait to be seen, however, because even now, before his administration has officially taken office, war has broken out, once again, in the Middle East. Israel and Hamas (the Palestinian people) have engaged in a war that threatens the stability of the entire region, which, this time, just may be the spark that is going to ignite a global conflict. How unfortunate the disappointments continue to be for mankind.

I, too, have come to respect and admire this Black man, Barack Obama. In my lifetime (and I was young enough to actually witness the final years of the Martin Luther King Jr. era) no human being has impressed me as much as our soon to be president. Without knowing the man personally, I feel a sense of genuine sincerity coming from him. Because, I want to believe in the innocence I sense from him, I will continue to pray for his safety, and that of his family. I will pray that he will, also, be revealed the truth before it is too late. For a black man to hold the highest position of this system can only mean that history has now come full circle. I can only hope and pray that he, like so many others before him, don’t become another sacrificial lamb to this system he, too, has embraced and placed his hopes. If history gives us any indication at all, those who have tried to actually do good while operating in this system have not faired well. Like all those who have held this office, it will be in his power to do greatness; I can only hope and pray, unlike many others before him, his greatness will be for the good of mankind.

Meanwhile, in Africa, the carnage continues to rise all across the continent. If a person was to cover his eyes and point to any place on a map of Africa; he is almost certain to land on an area where the people are suffering from either hunger and starvation, sickness and disease, or fleeing from life threatening situations while many of their family, friends, neighbors, and countrymen have already been killed. It is always the blood of the innocent that is shed. All the while, the leaders of many of these African nations continue to express concern for their citizens. For me, when I witness this type of horror: only these words come to mind.

“How can you be sitting there, telling me that you care, that you care, when every time I look around, the people suffer in suffering, in everywhere, in everywhere!” SURVIVAL, By Bob Marley

Do the leaders of the nations of the world really care about the lives of the people placed in their charge (some, I’m sure, do), or do they understand something about life and death that most people don’t understand and would find even harder to believe? Has a world, blinded by sorcery, not understood what this system requires of those who would be its leaders? Throughout the history of this world ruling system, why has it always been the innocent that had to suffer? Why must it always be the blood of the innocent that spills out all over the ground? Why must it be their blood that is shed? And what continent on earth has the purest blood of all – Africa! That is not a racist statement; it is a genetically established fact. If you have been offended by this comment, already, then you should stop reading right here and now, because your mind will be unable to accept the information that is to follow. It will be your own prejudice and bias that will prevent you from grasping this life saving truth, and the condemnation that you are placing on your own head will be your fault. The truth is being offered to all mankind; regardless of race, but you must be willing to accept it. The answer to these questions being asked will be so socking and disturbing only the strong and the wise will be able to handle what is about to be revealed.

Lev.17:11, NKJ: ‘For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls; for it is the blood that makes atonement for the soul.’

For the modern man and woman of today, the idea of a civilization requiring the shedding of blood in order to maintain its supremacy over the world is ludicrous. To think that there are people living on earth today that actually believe in a system that requires the shedding of the blood of the innocent is simply just too much for the mind to comprehend in this day and age. So, most people walk around in a dazed; baffled by what there eyes witness almost on a daily bases: Wars, murders, crimes, rapes, perversions of every kind, and injustices throughout the land and throughout the world. This altered state of human behavior has become accepted as normal life, and with each passing generation; this condition only gets worse. In this society, and world, the people have come to perceive complete chaos as law and order. It is a world, where the people have learned to operate while living in nearly insane conditions: They must constantly anesthetize themselves with prescription drugs, illegal drugs, alcohol, cigarette smoking, and coffee drinking just in order to carry out their daily functions. To prevent anytime from occurring where they may have a moment to actually think about the plight in their life; they receive a never-ending distraction of television, movies, sports, and harmful music as entertainment. To help insure that there will never be too many who will wake up from this nightmare, the people are given religions that are filled with empty promises that keep them pacified, tranquil, and sedated. This is the version of civilization that has been fostered on the world.

The world, as a whole, lives under the illusion of civilization. An illusion that has been carefully crafted, packaged, and orchestrated for thousands of years on the innocent inhabitants of this planet. And, because those who are placed in leadership positions in this system are sworn to secrecy, no one has been able to understand why there are always people suffering from hunger and starvation, sickness and disease, and the tragedy of war somewhere on the planet. This system of secrecy, which has survived since antiquity, has managed to cloud the truth of history so its origins and true purpose would never be discovered and exposed. Therefore, mankind no longer understands that life was never supposed to be lived this way: That this continual debasing of the human spirit that is called civilization today is not what originally existed on the earth. Lost, long ago, are the concept and the realization that each human spirit was to strive for intellectual and spiritual greatness: That true civilization was designed to help each of its citizen’s human spirit achieve spiritual essence.

Dan. 12:3: Thos who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever.

The understanding of life’s true purpose, for most of mankind, has now been stolen away from them, and is now lost, buried deep down in the annals of history. To firmly establish its existence, this system had to destroy the records of whole ancient cultures that were in existence long before it appeared on the earth. Its leaders had to alter and falsify the remaining documents and texts that were allowed to survive. Then they built churches, schools, and universities so they could present these falsified documents to the world as accurate representations of the history of this planet and its people. Now, all people on earth, who have membership in these churches, mosques, temples, schools, and organizations, have been dupe, deceived, brainwashed, and lied to. Mankind lives in a dream-altered state of reality never aware or even perceiving the true reality. And, they have been kept in this state for the last two thousand years just so those who hunger for greed, money, and power could continue to rule by convincing the world that civilization begun when their wicked system came upon the earth. When, in actuality, it was the opposite, true civilization ended when this system was established on the earth. Today, each individual lives out his or her life totally deprived of the knowledge of his or her true purpose, history, and potential: All the time, society as a whole is being carefully monitored and controlled by the system that has created this grand illusion.

But, a promise was given in the pages of an ancient text. Today that ancient document is called the, “Holy Bible.” In this document it states that the true knowledge would return back to the earth just before the end of this wicked apostate age.

Dan. 12:4-10, NKJ: “But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase...Although I heard, I did not understand. Then I said, “My lord, what shall be the end of these things?” And he said, “Go your way, Daniel, for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. “Many shall be purified, made white, and refined, but the wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall understand, but the wise shall understand.

The condition on this planet has now deteriorated to the point that the signal for the unsealing of this lost knowledge has finally gone out. The time has finally come when the truth must be restored back to an earth that has clearly gone astray. The time has finally come to expose what has been kept hidden for thousands of years. In order, then, to expose this system, this “Babylon System,” to the world, we must first go back in time; we must go back to the beginning of time. We must go back to the time the Egyptians called “Zep Tepi,” the first time. We must go back to the birth of civilization itself. To do that, we must first prove what age civilization actually occurred. We must learn that there was a much earlier civilization then the one we have been taught as being the original. Long before the Egyptians rule over Egypt, the scientific evidence now confirms that there was a civilization that ruled the world for thousands of years before the Egyptians. We must learn that with the use of this new science, it can be established with overwhelming evidence that strongly suggests the Sphinx, Great Pyramid, and the entire Giza necropolis was constructed much earlier in history then the times that have become the accepted dates for their construction.

We will begin our expose’ of this lost history in the next installment of this lesson. If you have not already gone to the website, and purchased your letters; then you should do so now. You really shouldn’t want to be excluded from this life saving information that is going to be presented in this Bible Study.

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