Thursday, July 23, 2009



Richard, I appreciate the interest you are showing in the Holy Calendar I sent you. And you shouldn't feel bad about having questions that you need to be answered. But, before I answer your specific questions, I would like to first bring your attention to what a (any) calendar really is: A calendar is a means of measuring time. It is this very important fact – Time – that must be addressed if we, as a people, are ever going to once again understand the truth of the universe we live in. Today, Richard, most of mankind doesn’t understand that what they have been taught to observe is artificial time. Time, as we observe today, is the contraption of the human mind, and is in no way related to the complete (actual) movement of the heavens above.

This was not always the case; all ancient cultures and still some cultures today, understood that the earth and all life on it was a part of a grand scheme. The most primitive of men understood something that we as modern men no longer understand. They understood that when the sun rose in the morning; the day began. And the fact that when the sun set in the evening; the day ended. Although mankind has now been deceived into observing time differently, notice the animal and the plant kingdoms. They still respond to the rising and the setting sun to begin and to end their day. Mankind is the only living entity, as a whole, on the planet that exists contrary to the natural law of the living universe. There are some animals that, due to the need to avoid predators and the heat of the day; live a nocturnal life. The fact, however, that there are nocturnal animals that, due to the heat of the day, or the effort to elude predators; have learn to be most active at night, does not change biological and ecosystems that can be found on almost every continent on the planet. It is a worldwide phenomenon, where modern technology has not interfered, that mankind, animals, and plant life naturally come to rest a the going down of the sun. And, the animals, plants, and some species of fishes that don’t do this for the reasons I’ve already stated and, of course, others that have not been stated here; are the exceptions to the rule and not the norm. The bulk of the human population and the animal life and the plant life on this planet falls between the forty-five degree north latitude line, and the forty-five degree south latitude line; so the North and South Poles would be the exception to this rule as well.

You need to ask the questions of why and how did this happen. Before we can get the answer to those questions, though, we need to finish our understanding of natural time. As with all of mankind's achievements that led to civilization – Time – was first discovered in Africa, and to be more specific; The Ethiopia of the great Nubian Empire, was the first to observe time. (See letter #6, “Return To Eden). Our ancient ancestors were the first to observe the heavens and document and record these observations. This great empire then took this knowledge to all the nations on earth, and brought civilization to the peoples of many nations. This was the Golden Age of man's history. When this age existed, all people on earth understood one fundamental truth: Which was that Two Eternal Beings – a Male and a Female – created all life and the universe.

During the Golden Age of mankind, all nations and peoples worship these two Creators. And in all ancient cultures, you will see the duality of the male and female creators expressed in their painting, statues, and writings. So what was the overriding evidence that convinced all people on the earth at that time there were Two Creators, not just the one male creator the world today has been deceived into worshiping? Our Nubian ancestors understood that the heavens were transmitting a scientific code to all mankind, and they wrote it down in an ancient document.

Ps. 19:1-4: The heavens declare the glory of God (YHWH); the skies proclaim the works of his (Their) hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world.

This document today is called the Holy Bible, which was stolen from Africa, and now altered to make people believe a lie about the truth of time. So, what is this code that our ancient Ethiopian ancestors discovered and left for their future descendants to rediscover just before the end of the age?


That's what observing true time reveals to all mankind, and that's why the observance of true time had to be removed from the earth. In their original documents, these stories told of this code found in the heavens. Our ancestors made the stories of the Bible to be told in such away that they would always transmit this code to future generations. So, even if the stories were altered somehow, for example, if the race of the original people were to be change to Europeans instead of Africans; If the locations of the cities and towns were change to the Middle East instead of Ethiopia and Egypt; or the original language would undergo transformations and finally ended up being English instead of African: These stories would still be transmitting this scientific code.

The first code in the heavens was observed in the principal of the Sun. They witness with their own eyes that the Sun was expressing a masculine principal. The Sun's rays fertilized the earth, and the earth would give birth to new life in the annual rising of their crops, which brought them their sustenance for life. So, the scientific law being expressed by the Sun's rays representing the male sperm was very real to them, and it was not a shameful thing to acknowledge the obvious: The Sun represented the Male life force or the Male Creator! This representation was expressed in a mathematical formula that the heavens above are shouting down to the people of the earth, even until this very day, but unfortunately, most of mankind has now been deceived into worshiping the Sun itself instead of observing the formula, which would prove the existence of these two Creators. So, these ancient Nubians, who taught the Egyptians, weren’t ignorant people (as people are today) worshiping an object in the sky. No, for them, the sun was the symbol (not a god, but a symbol) that represented a scientific principal or law, and this principal helped to form a mathematical equation. And, the only way this mathematical equation could never be forgotten was to establish a Holy observance that would always remind the people of this formula found in the heavens. So, a chosen race of people was given instructions in the form of a calendar. This calendar would, also, reveal a plan for mankind’s survival – if followed!

“Therefore the children of Nubia shall keep the Sabbath, to observe the Sabbath throughout their generations as a perpetual covenant. ‘It is a sign between “US” and the children of Nubia forever; for in six days the YHWH (Eternal Ones) made the heavens and the earth, and on the seventh day “They” rested and was refreshed.’” (Ex. 31:16-17, NKJ)

So, the first law of this plan for the survival of mankind was to establish a seven-day week on the earth with the seventh day being a Holy day of observance. When I first began to understand that there was another calendar other than the one most of mankind had learned to observe; even a different calendar then the one I was taught in my church, which at the time I thought was based on the bible; I began to research the history of the seven-day weekly cycle. It was then that I discovered that one of the earliest calendars still remaining today is housed in the British Museum.

The British Museum houses a Babylonian calendrical tablet, Showing the month as divided into four weeks, each of seven days duration. This was a lunar calendar, with a month of twenty-eight days, with seven days for each of the four phases of the moon: new moon, first quarter, full moon, and last quarter. Every seventh day was a Shabattu (Sabbath), or day of rest. Hence, we can trace our seven-day week, Sabbath day included, back to the ancient peoples of Mesopotamia. MAN GOD AND CIVILIZATION, by John G. Jackson, pg. 243

So, there is actually an ancient weekly calendar showing that the seven-day weekly cycle was observed hundreds of years earlier then we today. What we need to remember, however, is that the bible and the Egyptian civilization are thousands of years older yet still then the people who lived during this time of Mesopotamia. The seven-day weekly cycle was understood and observed for thousands of years by the ancient people of Africa, and its surrounding territories, and cultures around the world that were established by this great world ruling African Empire. But, unlike most people of today, who observe the first day of the week (Sunday) as their day of worship (rest), these ancient people made sure to observe the actual seventh day of the week. As it has remained since ancient times, our seven–day week is determined by counting the days as they appear on the calendar. If we were to just simply look at any calendar of today, we would see that it is Sunday that is actually the first day of the week, and Saturday that is the seventh day of the week.

The second code in the heavens was observed in the principal of the Moon. Our ancestors saw that from the first light (New Crescent) of the Moon to the disappearance of the Moon from the night sky, it took a cycle of 28 days. This for obvious reasons, which women immediately understood, the Moon represented the Female Creator! It would be this Female Creator who would give birth to the months of the year! And Her representation was also expressed in a mathematical formula in the heavens. Again Richard, you know that I reveal the mathematical formula for the Moon in the eighth letter (Three, Four, Five) of the series!

So, Richard, what we have just discovered is the real way that time is suppose to be measured, but this is not the way mankind measures time today. And because of this fact, all mankind has been led astray! All mankind has been taught to worship a single male deity, not the Two Creators of heaven and earth. The concept of a single male deity originated in ancient Egypt, and it was the beginning of our downfall as a people.

We are still feeling the punishment of our Creators for bringing this false calendar on the earth. The truth of the Holy Calendar had nearly completely disappeared from the earth, but some have kept parts of it on the earth. The musical prophet Bob Marley tried to remind us of our origins in the lyrics of his music when he would make statements like “The Sun Is Shinning, and Oh Silver Moon Come Out Tonight.” Our Muslim brothers still today observe a calendar that is base on the Moon. As does many of the Asian cultures, so the essence of this calendar has survived in some form or fashion even until this day. But, the code is no longer understood, and therefore all have been deceived into worshiping a single male deity as the creator. That's why these letters are so important, and that's why it is so important for our people to read each and every one of these letters. They will bring balance back to the earth, and women will know that they no longer have to deny their own existence by worshiping only a male deity. And, Richard the most important fact is, this is the only information that will protect and save us from the punishment that has already started to manifest for this morally corrupt and wicked generation created by this teaching of a male deity as the creator of the universe.


Richard, we have only just begun to uncover this great mystery of how time was change in order to get the people to worship a false creator and a false savior! I will continue this subject in my next entry.


Richard, as I gaze out the window to my office, although, I have been up for hours; the sun is just now rising above the horizon. Looking at this magnificent event of the proof of creation, I'm awe struck and inspired. So I think this would be an excellent time to continue the discussion we begun last week on the Holy Calendar. Before I begin, brother Shaka Zulu sent me some material that I think you should read. I will be sending this information to your email address. If I could have figured out away to include it in this bible study, I would have. But since I'm only allowing myself a limited amount of typing strokes for these bible studies, so they wont become too long, I will have to figure out another way to get this information into the hands of others. Richard I finally managed to rent the movie, “The Mist Of Avalon.” As you promised, it was a very thought provoking movie, and it contained some elements of the truth about the Two Creators. For a seasoned veteran, such as yourself, who have read all the letters and completed the Bible Study Courses, it was easy for you to separate the facts from the fiction, and the truth from the lies. But, I was a little concern about those who would be watching this film who don't have the full understanding of the true message contained in the Bible yet. I thought it might have been a little too much for them to handle in the early stage of their coming to understand this truth. So at this time, although I think the movie is very entertaining if watched for that purpose only, I wouldn't recommend it to anyone to view as an example of the Two Creators.

I also would like to comment on your journal entry of last week. You are growing in grace and knowledge, and it gave me great pleasure to see you speak your mind so powerfully to the young brothers and sisters the way you did. You have great passion for this work Richard, and it can be seen in everything you do. Don't allow the fact that your enthusiasm right now is getting a little ahead of your judgment in some areas to become discouraging for you. As long as you remain humble and willing to learn, then your faith will guide and protect you. In your plea to the young brothers and sisters, it made me think about I Cor. 9:19-22. Just as the Apostle Paul was willing to become all things to all men, we too, must be willing to do the same for our brothers and sisters that are Christians; we must become Christians in order to save some. To those that are Muslim, we must become Muslim in order to save some, and to those that are Rasta, we must become Rasta in order to save some. To the weak, we must become weak. To the strong, we must be strong, and that Richard is how we will learn to understand each other. Because, before we became Christians; before we became Muslims; before we became Rastas, or any other religion we may find our brothers and sisters practicing: We were all first and foremost – AFRICANS!


So, now, lets continue with our search for the Holy Calendar, so we can begin to regain our lost knowledge that our ancestors discovered in ancient Nubia. In our last discussion, we saw that the Sun and the Moon operated with masculine and feminine principals. It is amazing today to see how we, who are the originators of civilization, are so easily persuaded to discount these very real and meaningful truths about the world and the universe we live in. We are all to easily convince that if it does not come out of the mouth of a Christian missionary, it automatically is wrong. But the truth of the Two Creators was on the earth for thousands of years before the first white man even learned to speak a recognizable language or to write his own name. So, who is the fool, the father who believe the lie of the child, or the child who convince the father to believe a lie? We, who are the first people to appear on the earth, which also makes us the oldest race on the earth, no longer see the world through our own eyes, but we see the world as it is perceived through the eyes of the Europeans who were the last people to appear on the earth, which makes them the youngest race living on the earth. And until now, most of us have never even questioned what we were viewing. We simply trusted the lens that we were given to be in focus.

But, what we have been given is not in focus. In fact, it is completely out of focus, and the time has now come for us to regain our original true focus if we are to be protected from the punishment that is coming to the European people for changing time to what it is today, altering the Bible to suit their purpose of world domination, and lying about the truth of the origin of mankind! This is not our fight! We have already paid the price for our role (sins) in this deception. We have already, as a race of people, suffered humiliation and shame for developing this lying calendar in the first place, and now, all our Creators are asking us to do is to:

Rev. 18:4-8: Then I heard another voice from heaven say: “Come out of her, My People, so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues; for her sins are piled up to heaven, and God (YHWH) has remembered her crimes. Give back to her as she has given; pay her back double for what she has done. Mix her a double portion from her own cup. Give her as much torture and grief as the glory and luxury she gave herself. In her heart she boasts, 'I sit as queen; I am not a widow, and I will never mourn.' Therefore in one day her plagues will overtake her: death, mourning and famine. She will be consumed by fire, for mighty is the Eternal God (YHWH) who judges her.

It was a religious system that left Africa, and grew until it has, in one fashion or another, now covered the earth. And you are now being warned to come out of this world ruling government, world ruling religion, and world ruling - CALENDAR!

In our last discussion, we discovered that at one time in the history of this planet, every person living on the earth understood that there were Two Creators. This was understood because the day was ruled by the Sun, and the Moon ruled the night.

Ps. 136:1-9: Give thanks to the Eternal for he is good. Give thanks to God (YHWH) of gods. Give thanks to the Lord of lords: to him who alone does great wonders, who by his understanding made the heaven, who spread out the earth upon the waters, who made the great lights – the Sun to govern the day, the Moon and stars to govern the night;

Wait a minute! Did we just read in the Bible that the day is supposed to be divided into two equal parts? Did we just read that the Sun governs the daylight portion of the day, and that the Moon (with the stars) governs the night portion? And didn't we also read in our last discussion we had that:

Ps. 19:1-2: The heavens declare the glory of God (YHWH); the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after Day (Sun) they pour forth speech; night after night (Moon) they display knowledge.

We will deal with the stars a little bit later, but did the Bible just reveal to us that the Sun was placed in the heavens to do more then just give light on the earth? Did it not, also, just reveal to us that the Moon was placed in the heavens to do more than just give light in the night sky? Do we now see that these two spheres were placed in the heavens because they are also suppose to reveal knowledge to all of mankind? If this is true – which it is – then something is wrong with what we have been taught to worship. In the Bible we read, it tells us that there is only one creator; but when we read what the message of the Bible actually says: It talks of two great lights in the heavens that reveal knowledge to all mankind. Are you beginning to see, that there is something wrong with the Bible the English-speaking people translated, and then gave (Forced) to the rest of the world. If you don't yet, you will! And Richard, the statement you made, which I think was very revealing when you said that, “The Bible is the only thing we ever received from the Europeans that we didn't have to fight or die for.” There must be a reason for that, and we should all give that some serious thought

The first bit of knowledge the Sun and the Moon are suppose to reveal to mankind is that the day is suppose to be divided into two equal parts: A daylight part and a night part. According to the Bible we all read, this is the way time is supposed to be measured. But the time that we have been taught to measure tells us to start our day in the middle of the night: At twelve Midnight to be exact! Why is that? We are going to learn the shocking truth very soon!

But first, lets make sure we fully understand what we have just read so there can be no doubt that time was deliberately changed so mankind would eventually forget the truth of the universe they lived in, which is the fact that there are Two Creators of heaven and earth! If the Sun is the ruler of the Day, then that should mean that, on average, there are twelve hours of daylight to each day, and on average, twelve hours of darkness (night) to the other half of the day that the Moon rules over. And, technically, this is true, but the year also has a daylight portion and a night portion. Twice a year, the earth experience what is called equal day; this is when the daylight (12 hours) portion of the day is exactly equal to the night (12 hours) portion of the day. These two times of the year are called the Spring Equinox and the Fall Equinox. Once the Spring Equinox occurs; for six months (day portion of the year) the days will be longer than the nights until we reach the Fall Equinox: Then for the next six months (night portion of the year), the nights will be longer than the days. And this is how balance is maintained on the earth and in the universe. The Sun and the Moon are performing a lover’s dance in the heavens, in which they embrace twice a year. For six months of the year, the Sun is slightly ahead of the moon until they return back to being exactly opposite each other at the Fall Equinox, and then for six months of the year, the Moon is slightly ahead of the Sun until they reach their opposite positions once again at the Spring Equinox. And it is these two times of the year, you will find, that were very important to all the peoples of ancient cultures; particularly the African people. It is also these two times of the year that the Bible also reveals were very, very important to understanding the truth of time and the truth of the Two Creators, (As I demonstrated in the eighth letter of the series, “Three, Four, Five”), which we will examine in my next journal entry.


Richard, I received your email, and I understand your concerns about not having a full understanding of this information in time. I know that you are diligently watching world news and events as we are instructed to do in the Bible. And, that the troubling conditions of the world’s affairs have left you with a sense of urgency. I understand your desire to have all your questions answered at once. Richard, you have completed the letter series, and you have also completed the Bible Study Courses. You have been instructed and preached to on several occasions by me, and you are one of the few people on this planet that have an actual Holy Calendar in their possession, which is only given to those who have completed the letter series and the Bible Study Courses. You already have more understanding than many great men and women that came before our time.

Many people spent their entire life trying to unravel the mysteries that have been made plain to you. People like Cheikh Anta Diop, Asa G. Hillard, Ivan Van Sertima, Gerald Massey, John G. Jackson, Anthony T. Browder, Drusila Dunjee Houston, Nana Banchie Darkwah, and Carter G. Woodson just to name a few, but the list could go on and on Richard. Many of these great authors have already left this life never fully understanding what happened to us in Africa that caused an entire race of people to be lead away into slavery. They searched and researched. They examined and re-examined. They learned and re-learned, and yet, they never saw what you now know Richard. But, their life long works wasn’t in vain, because as you already know; I use the findings of their works to validate the research that went into the writing of the “Letters To The Black Man And Woman” series. Their life long works lives on in me, and I have used their works as if I had been entrusted with a great treasure of indeterminable value. So, although, some of them did not live to see this day Richard, and they didn’t make it to the time when all truth would be restored to us – you have!

So, Richard, you need not be anxious; you need not concern yourself with fears or doubts that you are not developing and growing in this knowledge as quickly as you would like. You, like everyone else who read the letters and complete the Bible Study Courses, will have a knowledge that has eluded all the great minds that came before our generation. And, as long as you act on this knowledge (which you have already done) then the promises found in the Bible will protect you from the troubles that are coming to this end time generation; and you can take comfort in that fact. As Matthew 13:1-9 instructs, be not the seed that fell on the path and birds came and ate them before they even had time to grow, or the seed that fell on the rocks and did not have enough soil and sprang up quickly, but could not take the heat of the sun (trials), or the seed that fell among the thorns, and were choked by them. But you Richard, be the seed that fell on good soil and produce a crop that will give you life ever lasting.

We’ve discussed this before. When you learned of the letters, it didn’t matter to you whether or not the letters cost fifty dollars or a hundred dollars; you were determined to read these letters. That’s the attitude of the good seed! Others started out like you did, but when they saw, the revealing light of the truth reflecting on their souls: The weight of the decision choked the life out of them, and they returned back to a life that leads to death. Some others didn’t take the time to make sure to plant their feet firmly on the truth, so when family, friends, and church members turned up the heat; they withered away. Still, others didn’t even have a chance to read the letters, because the concerns of the flesh, and the pressures of society are devouring them. Richard, as long as you remain, honest, humble, patient, and faithful to what you have already come to understand: all your specific questions will be answered.

Now, let’s return to our search for the Holy Calendar. Today, most of mankind lives in a world of illusion while operating in a world of reality. The truth is constantly revealing itself all around us, but our minds have been conditioned to ignore the truth and accept the illusion. We dismiss intelligent reasoning power as being un-intelligent, and yet, we accept the ridiculous and the absurd as proven facts. And this illusion of reality has cast such a powerful spell on our minds that we are now willing to defend these lies even if it means that they will be responsible for our own deaths. Darkness cannot exist where there is light. You can’t turn darkness into light, and you can’t turn light into darkness. As long as there is no light, darkness can masquerade as light. But, it is still darkness. It only appears to be light because light is not present. Once the light appears, darkness flees away never to be seen again. The light is now returning, and the time of darkness has finally come to an end. The time of believing and worshiping the ridiculous and the absurd has finally come to an end for those who wish to come out of the darkness, and walk in the glorious light of truth!

The world we lived in (darkness) for the past two thousand years or more told us that there was only a male (deity) creator. During this long time of darkness, our women were taught to deny their own existence by worshiping only the male force. And we as men, accepted this teaching of ignorance, and began to treat our women, who are the mothers of creation, as second-class citizen. We should all be ashamed of ourselves. And if we are to return to being real men, then we must return to respecting our women as equals. You will not survive what’s about to come upon this earth if you don’t understand that our women are our equals. And to our women, you are not guiltless, but since men imposed this sub-standard upon you; I’m only addressing the men this time, but your time is coming!

The world of reality (light) reveals that all life comes from two opposite forces. These two opposite forces, in human terms, are called male and female. It is these two forces that in scientific terms are called positive and negative; in mathematical terms, they are called odd and even: They regulate, control, and govern all life here on earth, and all the laws found in the universe! This is the world of reality – not the world of illusion. And it is this world that all life came from. And it is this world that we must return to if we ever hope to be free from the world of darkness! Today on the earth, all mankind worships the darkness. We don’t even understand why it is darkness that we are worshiping, that’s how far our knowledge has fallen from where it once stood. We, who are the descendants of those who were responsible for bringing civilization on the earth; are now those who don’t even know what it is they are worshiping. Not only we, but also, all mankind have lost the knowledge of the world of light. It was the result of sin, punishment, and banishment that caused the knowledge of the world of light to be removed from the earth, and it’s only now that the fulfillment of this punishment has finally occurred that the time for the return of the knowledge of the world of light has returned to the earth.

In our last discussion, we discovered that all people living on earth once understood these two forces. They understood that the sun and its rays revealed a scientific principal to mankind. This principal was the masculine force. They could see with their own eyes that the masculine force contribute to the sustaining of life here on the earth. They could see that the sun’s rays fertilized the seeds in the earth much in the same way that the male sperm fertilized the seed in the female’s womb. After the earth received the life force of the sun, she, like the female that has received the life giving force (sperm) of the male, would give birth to new life (crops). So, one force (the males) was projected, and the other force (the female) was receptive (Receptacle – a vessel or container). One gave; the other received. They understood that these two forces weren’t unique to human life, but that they were found in all life, and in every form of life. Nor were they limited just to the earth. By observing the heavens, they also noticed that it was the sun, which gave its light to the moon. The sun’s light would first impregnate the surface of the moon with a thin crescent of light. This crescent would continue to grow until the surface of the moon became full of light, and then the light would begin to dissipate from the surface of the moon until the moon was once again completely dark. Our ancestors noticed that this entire process took a cycle of 28 days to be completed. It would then take one or two days for this process to begin all over again. This was a cycle that also could be found here on earth in the human female. So the scientific principal of the moon was that of the receptacle force (female).

It is these two great lights in the heavens working together that cause this cycle of the moon to occur, and it is this cycle of the moon that actually determines the months of the year. And our ancient ancestors understood that it was these two forces that determined time, and thereby regulated all life here on the earth. It was once understood by all people living on the earth that the laws that regulated human life, animal life, plant life, the laws that regulated the movement of the earth, and the laws that regulated the movement of our universe were all the same two laws. And this is why it was understood by all people that there were Two Creators – A Male and A Female – not one! At the very beginning of this very ancient document, which today is called the Holy Bible, our ancestors wrote down the information that would be needed to prove the existence of these Two Creators for their future descendants to find just before the end of the age.

Gen. 1:14: And, God (YHWH) said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark seasons and days and years,
So, according to what we just read in the Bible; the lights (plural) were placed in the heavens to mark off days, months (seasons), and years. Do you understand what you have just read? It is all the lights in the heavens that are suppose to be used to determine time here on the earth – not just one of the lights in the heavens! But, today, in the calendar the world follows, this is not how the days, months, and the year are determined. The calendar that now rules on the earth does not follow these instructions for determining the days of the week, the months of the year, nor the year itself. And that’s why we live in a world of illusion all the while existing in a world of reality. Only when, and if, we finally come to realize how and why the whole world came to follow a calendar of darkness, will we become truly free from the bondage of slavery, and Africa will once again become the beacon of light to all the world!

Freedom from bondage comes from the truth, and from the knowledge that reveals the truth. You are being given the true knowledge that made us a great people, and a great world ruling empire that lasted for thousands of years. It is up to you whether or not you will continue to live your life by a lie that keeps you in darkness and enslaved. Or, whether you will chose to come out of this lie that now has all of mankind firmly within its grasp. We are only just beginning to understand what happened to us, and why we had to be led out of Africa as slaves. And why the light has not returned to Africa since our departure. I know I promised to cover more on this subject in the last discussion, but I’m afraid that if too much information is given at once, it will only become confusing. If you really want to understand what you are reading, then you need to go to and order the complete set of letters. I can’t and I won’t be able to cover everything that is covered in the letters and in these excerpts from the Bible Study Course, “In Search Of The Holy Calendar.” Those who are of the good seed will know that they have to read these letters just as you did Richard, and they will find a way to get these letters in their hands. Those who are not: will have their reasons for not reading the letters, and there is nothing we can say or do that will change their minds.

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