Thursday, August 6, 2009



As I begin this, the latest of the series of Bible studies I have been doing, I realize that this particular Bible study will be the most difficult for most people to accept. I understand how difficult it is to have long held beliefs challenged. I know what it feels like to question authority. And I have personally experienced the disillusions that accompany finding out that I had been misled by those I held in authority. Perhaps it’s apart of life, and it’s apart of the growing process one must do in order to achieve true maturity. Most of us once believed in a Santa Claus. We were very young children then, and we looked to our parents to tell us the truth. That moment of finding out that your parents had lied to you was the moment of the awakening of your own individuality. For most of us, by the time we reached our teenage years, we no longer trusted our parents and we wanted to find out about the world for ourselves. Unfortunately, this usually manifested itself in a rebellious attitude. And for those who are now the parents of teenage children, you see the very same process repeating itself all over again.

That’s pretty much how I felt when I came to realize that the church I had been a member of for nearly twenty years had also misled me. Only this time I didn’t blame my parents. I didn’t even blame the church and its ministers, well eventually I didn’t. Because, by this time, I was an adult, and I had allowed myself to be taught information without ever taking the time to prove to myself if what I was being taught was the truth. Like most people, I had simply placed my trust in those who were in authority. I hadn’t, for example, researched the history of the Bible. I didn’t check to see where did the Bible originated from. So, when I was told that all the main characters in the Bible were white, I simply believed that those who were in authority wouldn’t lie to me. I didn’t know, at that time, that there had been modern advancement in the study of DNA, which proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that the first people to walk the earth were blacks living in Africa. And that DNA also proved that all the other people living on the earth came from these original Africans. This same DNA research also showed that Whites (Europeans) were the last to appear on the earth. So, imagine how I felt when the time came that I was forced to ask myself this question, “If blacks are the first people created on the earth, and the Bible says that man and woman were created in the image and likeness of their Creators,” then how can the people of the Bible be white? Especially, since Blacks live on the earth for thousands of years before Whites were even civilized. And, for that matter, how can the Creators themselves, be white?

So, at that very moment, it was the awakening of my spiritual individuality. It was very clear to me that something was very seriously wrong with everything I had been taught about religion all my life. And, more then anything I desired my entire life, I now wanted to have the answer to these many unanswered questions I had. I spent the next ten years of my life searching for the answers to these questions. The very first thing I came to understand was that I could not trust any of the teachings I had learned previously. I understood that I had to do something that had not been done since the original Bible, itself, was written: I had to find the source of all of mankind’s knowledge. I knew, at least I thought I knew, that this was going to be a very difficult task. The first person I told about why I thought I had been chosen to do this search for truth was my wife, who was my first love. This quest for knowledge, however, proved to be too much for her to deal with, and she would eventually succumb to the amount of time and the difficulty this task required. She was the first sacrifice the pursuit of this knowledge required of me, and it was the most difficult. Then came the lost of my church and next came the lost of all the friends I had known most of my life. I also had to spend every penny I had to purchase Bibles, books, religious documents, and Encyclopedias. There have been many other sacrifices made on this road to truth, and I’m sure there will still be many more, but all these sacrifices can’t compare to the information that came about as a result of the pursuit of this knowledge. I placed the information I was learning in a ten letter series, which I called, “Letters To The Black Man And Woman.” Those that have read these letters, now have the same understanding about the truth of the Bible that took me well over ten years to learn. And, it is their gratitude and support that also make the sacrifices worth it.

So, I guest what I’m trying to say to all of you before we begin this next Bible study, which I know is going to be difficult for many of you; is that we must all grow up to be mature adults who prove that which is true: Not believing in superstitions, fable, fantasies, and out right lies!
I Cor. 13:11(NIV): When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me.

This bible study is going to determine which of you are ready to put the childish things we have accepted as true – behind you. So, we can become the holy royal people who will lead the world with righteousness once again!


Rom. 1:18-23: For the wrath of “YHWH” (Eternal Ones) is revealed from heaven (the movement of the celestial bodies – Sun and Moon) against all unrighteousness and wickedness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because what may be known of “YHWH” (Eternal Ones) is manifest in them (the creative process of man and woman) for “YHWH” (Eternal Ones) has shown it to them. For since the creation of the world Their invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made (the creative process found in nature, which requires two opposite forces), even Their eternal power and authority (the power of Their two forces coming together to reveal Their Holy Name as the Creators of the universe) so that they (mankind) are without excuse, because, although they knew “YHWH” (Eternal Ones), they did not glorify Them as “YHWH” (Eternal Ones), nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible “YHWH” (Eternal Ones) into an image made like corruptible – “MAN” (Changes and Emphasis mine)

How can these words be in the Bible for the whole world to read (Yes, I had to emphasize the meaning of these words in order to have your eyes opened for the first time, once again), yet mankind no longer have even the slightest idea of the true meaning of the warning contained in these words. How is this possible? How did this happen? How did the Bible become a tool used to deceive the people instead of its original purpose, which was to educate mankind about the world and the universe? There was a time in man’s history when all people living on the earth understood the meaning of these words. There was a time when all mankind understood that we didn’t come to exist here on the earth by accident. Mankind once understood that all life and everything in creation was connected. This connection revealed a single truth. This truth was that the universe, and all life, came into existence as the result of – Two Creator Beings!

This warning in the Scripture quoted above goes unheeded today: All the while, it reveals that because there is such a massive amount of evidence provided to mankind showing them that the universe (heavens), all life, the earth (nature), and the spoken word were all created by a divine design: which conclusively proves the existence of these Two Creators! Therefore, there will be no mercy given to a world that allowed themselves to become blind to the truth that exist all around them. Let me repeat that. All mankind is being warn in this scripture that because there is so much evidence found in the fact that male and female exist in every form of life; there will be no acceptable excuse for mankind believing in a single male creator. The heavens above, with the movement of the Sun and Moon, clearly demonstrates these two laws of Masculine Force and Feminine Force, which, in turn, proves the existence of these Two Creators. But mankind no longer understands these two laws – Why!

Man and Woman bring these same two laws together each time they perform the sexual act to create new life, which also proves the existence of these Two Creators. The animal kingdom reveals the very same law, which is male and female. Yet, mankind no longer understands this simple truth. Nature, itself, reveals these two laws to mankind. In order for the plant kingdom to bloom, or produce fruit and crops they, too, must be “Cross-Pollinated.”

An egg cell in an ovule of a flower may be fertilized by a sperm cell derived from a pollen grain produced by that same flower or by another flower on the same plant, in either of which two cases fertilization is said to be due to self-pollination (autogamy); or, the sperm may be derived from pollen originating on a different plant individual, in which case the process is called... Encyclopedia Britannica Online.

All through out nature the evidence of the Two Creators is continually revealing itself to mankind. These two laws of masculine force and feminine force are all around us because they are suppose to be a constant reminder of who it was that created the earth and the heavens above. Do you understand now, that even in the plant kingdom; it requires two opposites? It requires the (male) sperm cell to fertilize the (female) egg cell of flowers and plants in order for the plant kingdom to reproduce. Once again, the proof of these Two Creators is present in every aspect of our existence. In the face of such overwhelming evidence to the contrary, all those who persist in following such a ridiculous notion, and such an absurd belief that the creation of the universe and all life here on this planet came about as the result of a single male creator – will not escape the coming punishment to the inhabitants of the earth. That’s why the Scripture above states that all of mankind is without excuse for allowing itself to be deceived into believing in a single male creator. If a person would just open their eyes and actually use them for the first time in their life, they would see the evidence of these Two Creators all around them. If they would stop, and question the teachings, instead of just blindly following them, of those in authority, and use their own “Common Sense,” they too would see that something is wrong with what’s being taught in the Churches, Mosques, Synagogues, and Temples around the world. Which, all teach their followers to worship a single male creator (God, Allah, Jehovah, Yahweh, etc.).

The “Name” of the true Creators had not been spoken for thousands of years. Not since the time of ancient Egypt. This is no longer the case. In the letter series, Letters To The Black Man And Woman, the proof that the movement of the heavens above is constantly revealing this “Name” to all mankind is demonstrated in the most thorough and detailed way possible. And by using this scientific proof, which the Creators, “Themselves,” placed in the Heavens: Their “Name” has once again been restored to those who are willing to see the truth during the last days of mankind’s rule here on the earth! Unless you have the understanding of this “Name,” which is only found in these letters, you will not escape the coming destruction. Once again, I encourage all of you to invest in your own salvation by going to and purchase these letters. By doing this, you will also be helping to save as many of our people, and all peoples, as possible because your contributions to this effort makes it possible for this work to continue to sound the warning for all mankind.

The world – through deception – has lost all contact with these Two Creators, and the concept of there being more then one creator is now so foreign to the people living on the earth today; that it now seems blasphemous. That’s how far mankind has fallen from the truth; that a ridiculous lie can now seem more plausible to them then the use of their own “Common Sense.” But how did this happen? How did the whole world come to believe that there is only a male creator in the first place? Let’s go back and examine the Scripture above once again. that they (mankind) are without excuse, because, although they knew “YHWH” (Eternal Ones), they did not glorify Them as “YHWH” (Eternal Ones), nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible “YHWH” (Eternal Ones) into an image made like corruptible – “MAN”

What does this mean? Are we to believe that at some point in human history (a long, long, long time ago), there were some who actually decided not to worship the truth? And they deliberately devised away to deceive the people into worshiping a lie? And that it is this great lie that is now being taught to the many followers of this “Great False Religion” today! And, while we are on this subject, what does the statement means when it says, “Professing to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible “YHWH” (Eternal Ones) into an image made like corruptible – “MAN?”

As difficult as this may be to comprehend for most people today, The Creators of heaven and earth has placed “Their” glory in an image that all mankind could understand. We exist on the image of “Their” glory. We observe this glorious image every morning and even many of our nights. Our universe operates on this glorious image. Life operates with this image, because this glorious image is the “Circle” of life! We live on a giant circle called the planet earth. The Sun in the sky is also in the image of a circle, and the full Moon also reveals “Their” glorious image for all mankind to see in the night sky. Our solar system with the planets revolving around the sun is also another circle of the image of “Their” glory. The little tiny Atom may be considered the smallest particle known to man, but it resembles our giant solar system with the electrons circling the cluster of protons and neutrons in its nucleus. The universe, itself, operates in a giant continuous circle. So the Two Creators have placed the image of “Their” glory in the tiniest building block of matter – the Atom, as well as in the greatest expanse of matter in existence – the universe! The “Circle” is the image given to mankind that reveals the glory of these Two Creators! It is the physical representation of perfection. To start at one point going in one direction, and then come back to the exact same point from a different direction: requires perfect symmetry, balance and control, which is why the circle is the image of “Their” perfection! How can anyone truly believe they will not be held responsible for their own ignorance when such a great avalanche of evidence of these Two Creators has been provided for them?


Our ancestors understood that they came into existence, and that the entire universe came into existence because of these Two Creators. This was common knowledge amongst the original civilizer of all people, because it was then, as it still is today - “Common Sense!” So, when this great Nubian civilization traveled the earth civilizing the many different peoples of other nations, they taught this truth to all mankind. And the image of this truth was always represented with the circle.

Without making this particular Bible study too complicated: The original height of the Great Pyramid bears the same relationship to its base perimeter as does the circumference of any circle to its radius. And it’s relationship is scaled to the dimensions of that of the earth.1 The Great Pyramid in Egypt – which was built with the hands of these Nubian people thousands of years before the time of the Egyptians rule over Egypt – was built to represent a three-dimensional circle standing on the ground. But, the circle, itself, is not visible with the natural eye. It is only visible with the third eye. Do you understand what this means? This means that the Great Pyramid was built in honor of these Two Creators! This great Nubian empire taught the rest of mankind to worship these Two Creators. That’s why we see the headdress of the Pharaohs in Egypt with the circular disk, and the headdress of the queens of Egypt with the crescent shape moon. And on Holy sites all around the world, they incorporated this relationship of the scaled circle to the dimensions of that of the earth as is the case with the Pyramid of the Sun found in the city of Teotihuacan in Central America, and other great edifices that are still standing to this very day all around the planet. Here in North America, the Native Americans originally built their homes to be shaped very similar to a pyramid called Tepees, and their villages were laid out to form a circle. The circular design of the huge stone formation called Stonehenge is another example of this knowledge. The evidence of people, of all cultures, once understanding the meaning of the circle can be found on every continent. It was this same Nubian empire that discovered that the yearly cycle was a giant circle as well!
But, the understanding of this image of glory is no longer understood today – Why! Well, according to the Scripture quoted above, the image of glory has been changed to that of corruptible – Man! I know this Scripture goes on to name birds and other animals, but for the purpose of this Bible study; we are going to first deal with this corruptible image of man.

The Bible we have today is the end result of many previous translations from a very old and ancient language. The very first Bible to be translated from this original language wasn’t even an English Bible. The first European language to receive a copy of the documents that became known as the Holy Bible was Greek, and the translation of these documents took place in ancient Egypt. So, it is ludicrous to believe that this now English translation (or any other language being used today) of these ancient documents is divine script. Only the original documents in their original language could ever be considered divine script. So, when these original documents where translated, and now have been passed down through the centuries, changes were made to them. Not only did the people go from being African to Europeans: Not only did the location of these stories, which took place in Africa, changed to the Middle East, but also the image of glory was changed to that of the image of corruptible man!

This was accomplished during the translation of the Bible from its original language to the many languages that followed. Starting first with the Greek language until its final transformation into the English language. During the translation of the Bible, a false message was carefully and strategically laid over the true message of the Bible. Although today, the true message of the Bible is still contained in its pages, the people of the world have been taught to read only the false message that has now been carefully placed in the Bible by those who did not want to worship these Two Creators!

Matt. 23:13: “Woe to you, teachers (Priest, Ministers, Rabbi, etc.), of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the kingdom of heaven in men’s faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to.

Those that have knowingly taught this lie on the earth have already condemned themselves, and they know it. For the love of money, and the greed of power, they have willingly sold their souls. But, misery loves company, and as the Scripture just stated; they are trying to take as many down with them as possible. That’s why I asked all of you, “What’s in your heart?” I, too, use to believe the teachings of those in authority. I, too, use to accept these lies that are now planted in the Bible! But, if you have a pure heart, and you didn’t know you were being deceived; then now is the only chance you are going to have to come out of this great lie! Our Creators knew that during the time of our punishment this deception was going to be done to the Bible: It was allowed so that those of us who just will not change our sinful ways will also perish with those who crave money, power, and sin more than honesty, morality, and righteousness: So, they promised to send a messenger just before they brought destruction on a sinful and corrupt world.

Mal. 4:5: “See, I will send you the prophet Elijah before that great and dreadful day of the Eternal comes. He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers; or else I will come and strike the land (whole earth) with a curse.”

I know all of you realize that this is a message you have never heard before. I know you realize that what you are reading in these Bible studies is not being been taught anywhere else on the earth today. Time is quickly running out on this sinful generation, and only those who are wise enough and strong enough to recognize this message for what it is will have the knowledge that will protect them from the coming troubles on the earth. That knowledge is contained in a letter series called, “Letters To The Black Man and Woman.” These letters can be found on the website,

Those that placed this false message in the Bible have changed the incorruptible image into an image made like corruptible – Man! Today this image has a name, and that name is – Jesus Christ!

This image wasn’t always called Jesus! And in the next Bible study we are going to learn just what exactly is this image.


“Consider the kingdom of Babylon during the time of Nebuchadnezzar. This was the mightiest empire on earth. Daniel prophesied that every succeeding king would be inferior, less powerful, less influential. Why? Because Nebuchadnezzar was not the real ruler in Babylon. The power behind the empire wasn’t in the golden statue he erected. No, Babylon ’s authority rested in the hands of a small group of God-possessed men. The Lord had set up a secret, heavenly government and it was ruled by Daniel and the three Hebrew children. These men were God’s governing instruments, because they operated in the heavenly realm. They refused to have anything to do with the world system. Instead, they shut themselves in with God. As a result, these holy men knew the times. They could tell the people what God was up to at any given time. They were bright, shining lights to the whole nation, because they had the life of God within them.”

I’m beginning this Bible study with a quote from a rather long email I received from a minister, that I’m just going to call Paul, this past week. To read Paul’s concerns for the present condition, and the state, of spirituality as it exist in the world today, was moving and uplifting while at the same time it was very sad and very true: Because, more then anything, his sincerity came through in his words. He genuinely feels that the message the Savior brought to this earth is not being either understood or not being received by most people today. So although, at this time, Paul and I don’t see eye to eye on everything, I was grateful that he took the time to write me and expressed his concerns, and I thanked him for doing so.

There is a lot of truth in what Paul was saying; there is much confusion existing on the earth today when it comes to religion. And another thing Paul’s email got me thinking about, were the individuals who have had to bring this message of truth to their own people. Paul used the example of Daniel and his three friends in his discussion. But, how have the messengers the Creators have sent to their own people been received. The Bible is a story about one man (Abraham) and his family that grew into a nation. And the Bible only speaks of other nations and races when those nations and races come in contact with this nation that came from the man Abraham. So, all the messengers of the Bible were sent to one race of people (or they were sent to other nations to warn them not to harm that nation). So, today, judging by the standards that have been levied against me, our Creators would be considered racist. The entire message of the Bible is directed towards one race of people, and those people from other races that accept the Creators of this one race of people. So, when I say that the message I have is for Blacks first, and any other people that are willing to accept it: Am I saying anything different then the messengers of the Bible? When the true Savior walked the earth, these were the statements he made:

Mtt. 10:5-6: These twelve the Savior sent out and commanded them, saying: “Do not go into the way of the Gentiles, and do not enter a city of the Samaritans. “But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Nubia. (Changes and Emphasis mine)

Mtt. 15:24: He answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of Nubia.”

Now, if the Savior, himself, say that the message he brought to this earth was only for his people: That he came to the earth to save his race: Is the Savior a racist? Today, the world all over has nothing but praise for this message, but how was this message the Savior brought to his own people received? Now remember, these were the people who were expecting a deliverer. They were looking for a king to come and set up a kingdom for them to rule. They knew the promise of a Savior coming into the world. So, how was he received? He was called demon possessed. He was threatened on more then one occasion with being stoned to death. His own people did not recognize him. And finally, at the request of his own people, he was beaten and crucified. And things are not much different today. There are still some who prefer to cling to what they have been taught, and never even consider examining these teachings to make sure they have been taught the truth. Now, that is their choice; we are all responsible for the choices we make in life. But, is it necessary to make accusations and assumptions when you have not even so much as researched a single page of these Bible studies?

We as a people, at least some of us, have known that something was not right with the story we have been told. For many of the blacks that are the descendants of those that left Africa as slaves, they have never accepted the European’s version of the Bible (my eyes were eventually opened, when the Creators wanted me to see). Many of the Blacks that were brought to the Islands of the Caribbeans never accepted the name God. And even to some that are still in Ethiopia, and other places around the world, the name God is blasphemous. These people have, in fact, retained the first half of the true name that is found in the Heavens. They have part of the name, but not the whole name. Perhaps, back then, as we began to lose our African tongue, it became more and more difficult to pronounce the whole name and it just became easier to just pronounce the first half of this name. But now, since we have been waiting so long, over 400 years, for this day to come when the truth would be restored to us: We must be willing to learn (All Of) our lost knowledge once again.

It is clear, however, as Paul was indicating in his email, that the true message of the Savior is not understood today. And, if this message was directed towards one group of people – one race of people – then it is imperative that the true identity of these people be found and revealed. Because, contained in the Bible is a message that is so important the Savior came to this earth to give it to his people. These people need to have their eyes open so they can finally hear the message that the true Savior brought to this earth. The only way you can know with absolute certainty the race of the Savior is to first prove the origin of the Bible. Once the origin of the bible is established, then the original race of those who wrote the bible can be determined. It then becomes scientifically possible to prove the origin of the story of the Savior. Was the Savior a white man that supposedly walked the earth doing miracles by the name of Jesus Christ? Or, can the origin of these stories be traced back to a much earlier time in history? And, if this information proves that the true Savior walked the earth thousands of years before the time of the so-called Jesus; then how did the entire world come to worship this name as the savior of the world. And, for that matter, how did this name Jesus get into the bible in the first place? What is the true meaning of this name Jesus? Who or what has the world been taught to worship when they call on this name Jesus?

What today is called the New Testament was canonized in 375 AD, or at least that is the date we are given. Imagine the surprise of the religious establishment when in 1947 scrolls were discovered around the area of the Dead Sea. These weren’t the only scrolls discovered. Scrolls were also discovered in Ethiopia and other places in northern Africa, but these particular scrolls discovered near the Dead Sea received the most attention. These scrolls became known as “The Dead Sea Scrolls.” In these scrolls, which predated the birth of the so-called Jesus by well over 100 years, they mentioned a Savior or Messiah who took part in the Lord’s Supper, was crucified, and was expected to return in the last days. THE DEAD SEA SCROLLS DECEPTION, by Michael Baigent & Richard leigh, pg.47-50

But this story of a Savior predating the time of Christ by more then 100 years is nothing. The oldest of these stories predate the birth of Christ by thousands of years.

Although many people have the impression that the ancient world consisted of unconnected nations and tribes, the truth is that during the era Jesus allegedly lived, there was a trade and brotherhood network that stretched from Europe to China. This information network included the library at Alexandria and had access to numerous oral traditions and manuscripts that told the same narrative portrayed in the New Testament with different places, names, and ethnicity for the characters. In actuality, the legend of Jesus nearly identically parallels the story of Krishna, as far back as 1400 BCE. Even greater antiquity can be attributed to the well-woven Horus myth of Egypt, which also is practically identical to the Christian version but which preceded it by thousands of years. THE CHRIST CONSPIRACY, The Greatest Story Ever Sold, by Acharya S, pg. 105

The author quoted above speaks correctly when she says a brotherhood, and I would add – a secret brotherhood – carried this story of a Messiah to many different nations of the ancient world. Hundreds and thousands of years before the English language was even conceived – the story of a Savior who was born of a virgin on December 25th, performed miracles, walked on water, crucified on a tree or stake, was buried in a grave or tomb for three days, and then resurrected from the dead – had already traveled the world over. The list is almost endless: He was the Adonis or Apollo of Rome. The Dionysus, Hercules, and Zeus of Greece. Baal or Bel of Babylon/Phoenicia. Buddha and Krishna of India. He was Beddru of Japan. Ieo of China, Quetzalcoatl of Mexico, and many, many, more that also tells the same story that the story of the Jesus of today tells. THE CHRIST CONSPIRACY, The Greatest Story Ever Sold, by Acharya S, pg. 106

What type of mental calisthenics does the mind have to do to continue to justify a belief that all these nations that told the exact same story of a Messiah – hundreds and even thousands of years before the English version of this story was even put to paper – are all wrong! How is it that the exact same story was paganism when it was told first by other nations, but once it became the property of the white Anglo Saxon people; it then became the divine word and holy script? Think! Use your brains! How is this possible? Its the same story teaching of a messiah thousands of years before the birth of the so-called Jesus. The only difference is that now the savior (messiah) in the European’s version is a white man. Are we as intelligent people to believe, as they would have us believe, that the people who came on the scene last, and took this information from Africa – are the only people that could give legitimacy to a story that is thousands of years older than their own civilization? Now that the facts have been presented to you; is that really what you want to believe?

Some of you may even have noticed that a few of the names mentioned above are also mentioned in the Bible. If Baal and Apollo (Apollyon, Rev. 9:11) are abominations, and are viewed as evil in the Bible; then how is Jesus not evil when his story is the same story as Baal and Apollo?

Down through the ages, someone has been carrying on a secret religious tradition, and as this knowledge moved from one people to another; the name of the god of this secret religion changed to suit the people who would now serve him. This secret brotherhood traveled to all the nations of the ancient world, and transformed their gods into there one secret god of many names. This secret priesthood converted the many peoples of the world by making them think they were worshiping the true Creators of heaven and earth, but secretly they were worshiping a false god and a false savior. And now this religion, which was conceived in secrecy and taught through deception, has deceived the entire world into worshiping this false god and false savior who are one! By overseeing the translation of these ancient documents that would eventually become the bible we have today, they have made certain to overlay the true message of the Bible with their false message. They then replaced the true name of the Creators (YHWH, Eternal Ones) with the word god, and they replaced the true name of the Savior with the word Jesus! If you have not ordered these letters, you should immediately go to and purchase your set of letters.


In order to get the answer to this question, we must travel back through time. We must travel back to the birth of a nation itself. We must travel back thousands of years to when ancient Egypt was just an infant. We must travel back to the time the Egyptians called – Zep Tepi!
Here is what the Ancient Egyptians said about the First Time, Zep Tepi, when the gods ruled in their country: they said it was a “GOLDEN AGE” during which the waters of the abyss receded, the primordial darkness was banished, and humanity, emerging into the light, was offered the gifts of civilization. FINGER PRINTS OF THE GODS, By Graham Hancock pg.381 (emphasis mine)

The "FIRST TIME" of Osiris

The Egyptians associated the first appearance of the phoenix with a “GOLDEN AGE” in their history known as Zep Tepi, the "First Time." They were convinced the foundations of their civilization were established during this remote and glorious epoch. R. T. Rundle Clark, former professor of Egyptology at Manchester University, commented on the ancients conception of the First Time: "Anything whose existence or authority had to be justified or explained must be referred to the 'First Time.’ This was true for natural phenomena, rituals, royal insignia, the plans of temples, magical or medical formulae, the hieroglyphic system of writing, the calendar – the whole paraphernalia of the civilization…All that was good or efficacious was established on the principles laid down in the "First Time" – which was, therefore, a golden age of absolute perfection...

The First Time seems to have been the period during which Osiris reigned as foremost king of Egypt. It was during this era that he established law (maat) and initiated worship of Ra, Egypt’s monotheistic God. Rundle Clark explained: "The reign of Osiris was a “GOLDEN AGE,” the model for subsequent generations." Maat and monotheism, the "model for subsequent generations" set forth by Osiris, was the driving force behind Egyptian culture for thousands of years. DO ANCIENT EGYPTIAN ARTIFACTS ENSHRINE THE IMAGE OF CHRIST, by Richard Russell Cassaro

The Egyptians, in there own words, say that at the moment of Egypt’s birth into civilization: Egypt was ruled by the Gods (plural). They said this was a “GOLDEN AGE” when all the knowledge of civilization was bestowed on their land and its people. The “Creator Being” that is today translated Osiris is said to be responsible for this explosion of knowledge. Only it wasn’t just Osiris that was present at the “First Time.” Osiris had a female counterpart, and Her name today is translated as Isis. What did these original two names mean to the ancient Egyptians?
“Now when the ancient Egyptians, awestruck and wondering, turned their eyes to the heavens, they concluded that two gods (Creators), the Sun and the Moon, were primeval and eternal: they called the former Osiris, the latter Isis... The Companion Guide to ZEITGEIST, by Acharya S, pg 9

If you completed the bible study, “In Search Of The Holy Calendar,” then you know that it was much more than being awestruck with the heavens for our ancient ancestors. They clearly understood that everything in the universe worked on two principals (Laws), and these laws were summed up in the movement of the Sun and the Moon. So, the sun and the moon became the symbols of the scientific principals of the “Laws of Thermodynamics.”


The Two Creators did not place mankind here on the earth without giving them a blueprint for success. This blueprint (plan) is knowledge that shines down from heaven on all mankind.
Psalm 19:1-4: The heavens declare the glory of YHWH (Eternal Ones); the skies proclaim the works of “Their” hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world.

The true purpose of the Bible is not to deliver a message of sanctimonious feel good religious sounding words (unfortunately, today, this is how most of mankind has been taught to read the Bible) that offers the people nothing more then a bunch of mumble jumble that couldn’t save a flea. No, on the contrary, the true message of the Bible is to reveal to mankind all of the scientific knowledge in our universe, which all proves the existence of the Two Creators that set these laws into motion. This purpose, which is the true purpose of the Bible, is no longer understood today. So, when the Scripture quoted above states that the heavens declare the glory of the Creators; it’s not talking about some mystical secret religious concept that only the so-called elite can understand. No, this scripture is revealing exactly what it is stating: That the Two Creators have placed the knowledge that reveals “Their” existence in the heavens above so all mankind, regardless of race, language or where they are located on the earth, can have access to this truth. This knowledge is so powerful that, as we saw in our last discussion, once it entered into the land of Egypt; the Egyptians went from being savages to the most powerful nation on earth at that time. This is the knowledge that is rightfully our inheritance as black people. It was our ancestors who were chosen by these Two Creators to discover this knowledge and record it in documents for their future generations.

Someone has deliberately denied us this knowledge so a false religion, a false knowledge, and a false history could rule on the earth for the past two thousand years. And in doing so, they have denied us our true identity, our true history, and our true heritage. The history of the oldest race of people living on the earth today dates far back into antiquity. The history of the African man and woman is so ancient that most of it has been forgotten even by blacks. Primarily because the world has been taught a history that benefits the Europeans who are the youngest race on the planet. If most of mankind’s history had already taken placed before the European race became civilized, it would then seem pretty strange for them to claim that the original people in the Bible were white. So, to avoid this fact, the Europeans decided to simply rewrite history by eliminating all of the true history that showed that blacks had rule the world for thousands of years before them. This now made it possible to retell the story of the Bible by injecting themselves into the Bible. In doing this, it now shorten history so their creation story of a white Adam and Eve could be believed. So, with the strokes of their pen, all of mankind’s history became condensed to the last seven thousand years. By, now, making the people of the Bible Europeans, and changing the locations of these stories, which originally took place in Africa, to places that are north of what is Africa: As I show in “Letters To The Black Man And Woman,” this also effectively removed blacks from the Bible as well.

This forgery used to make the Europeans appear to be the originators of the Bible worked for more than two thousand years until the science of DNA was discovered. Again, as I showed in the letters: This discovery of DNA proved that not only was the first people to appear on the earth black, but they also lived in Africa. This scientific study went on to established that blacks first appeared in Africa approximately fifty thousands years ago. Now, couple that information with the fact that the original documents that became known as the Holy Bible originated from ancient Egypt, and you will have your first glimpse of the true history of mankind, and your first glimpse of the actual age of these original documents before they were altered and translated in such away as to give legitimacy to claims the Europeans have placed on the Bible.

Last week my friend, Paul, wrote me about the Babylonian kingdom of Nebuchadnezzar as once being the greatest empire on earth. In order for this statement to be true; this would mean that all the past greatness of Ancient Egypt and the Nubian Empire would have to be erased from history. Because, when we as black people read the European’s version of the bible; we must deny our own history, and, in effect, our own existence. And subconsciously, that is exactly what is taking place in our minds. We read these impossible to believe stories with no historical documentation whatsoever; as if they are grounded in indisputable evidence and facts. But, the reality is quite different.

There are no historical records that show the city of Babylon was ever a world conquering empire. On the contrary, there is even some doubt as to the actual location of the city mentioned in the Bible as Babylon. The ruins of the city that is called Babylon today is located in Mesopotamia, and its historical records show that it was invaded and conquered throughout its history, and no evidence can be found to support the claim that this city once ruled over an empire that span the entire globe. WIKIPEDIA, The Free Encyclopedia – Babylon.

There is not a single shred of evidence to indicate that this city ever ruled the entire world: The Scriptures in the Bible, however, clearly states that Nebuchadnezzar was the ruler of the entire world.

Dan. 2:37-38: You, O king, are the king of kings. The YHWH (Eternal Ones) of heaven has given you dominion and power and might and glory; in your hands “We” have placed mankind and the beasts of the field and the birds of the air. WHEREVER THEY LIVE, “We” have made you ruler over them all. You are that head of – GOLD! (Emphasis and changes mine)

It is clear that this king that in now called Nebuchadnezzar in the Bible, we have today, was a king over a world ruling empire. He was told that he was given dominion over man, beast, and the birds in the air – wherever they lived! Since the Europeans could no longer allow the stories in the Bible to take place in Africa (to ensure their claim to the Bible); another city had to be chosen that was not located in Africa. The only problem is that, if a person would do just the simplest amount of research; they would discover the city the Europeans chose was never a world ruling empire. But, there was an ancient world ruling empire, and that empire was located in Africa! This African empire was the real head of – GOLD – that’s mentioned in the Bible, because it was this kingdom that ushered in the “Golden Age” of mankind! This African world ruling empire was called – The Nubian Empire!


The First Time seems to have been the period during which Osiris reigned as foremost king of Egypt. It was during this era that he established law (maat) and initiated worship of Ra, Egypt’s monotheistic God. Rundle Clark explained: "The reign of Osiris was a “Golden Age,” the model for subsequent generations." Maat and monotheism, the "model for subsequent generations" set forth by Osiris, was the driving force behind Egyptian culture for thousands of years. DO ANCIENT EGYPTIAN ARTIFACTS ENSHRINE THE IMAGE OF CHRIST, by Richard Russell Cassaro

Here is what the Ancient Egyptians said about the First Time, Zep Tepi, when the gods ruled in their country: they said it was a “GOLDEN AGE” during which the waters of the abyss receded, the primordial darkness was banished, and humanity, emerging into the light, was offered the gifts of civilization. FINGER PRINTS OF THE GODS, By Graham Hancock pg.381 (emphasis mine)

The race, which we now discover in the Nubian, though by loss of liberty and religion much degenerated; yet, which was once the ruling race in Egypt. This Nubian race did not come from Arabia. Their color, and language and manner of life were different. According to their own traditions the Egyptians were originally savages without tillage or government. They lived in huts made of reeds. A race of different descent and color settled among them and lifted them to civilization. The men of this race were the ancestors of the Nubians, who planted other colonies in opposite regions of the world, in Greece, Colchis, Babylonia, and even India.” All of these regions had priest- kings. WONDERFUL ETHIOPIANS OF THE ANCIENT CUSHITE EMPIRE, by Drusilla Dunjee Houston, pg. 58-59

Professor A. H. I. Heeren, also speculated on the place of origin of the world’s earliest civilization, and he had no hesitation in locating it among the African Ethiopians: In Nubia and Ethiopia, stupendous, numerous and primeval monuments proclaim so loudly a civilization contemporary to, aye, earlier than that of Egypt, that it may be conjectured with the greatest confidence that the arts, sciences and religion descended from Nubia to the lower country of Mizraim; that civilization descended the Nile, built Memphis and finally sometime later, wrested by colonization the Delta from the Sea. MAN, GOD, AND CIVILIZATION By John G. Jackson, pg. 211

When all the evidence has been collected; when all the research has been carefully and meticulously examined; when all the facts have been laid out so that all that is needed is “Common Sense;” there is only one conclusion that can be reached: The kingdom that is now called Babylon in the European’s version of this story can only be, in actuality, this great Nubian empire that civilized the entire ancient world. It is only when a people’s identity has been forcefully taken away from them, and they have lost all remembrance of their own history; that they would accept a blatant lie – such as the ones that are now found in the English translation of the Bible – as proven fact. Most of what is now contained in the Bible the Europeans were responsible for bringing on the earth is a complete fabrication. And we, the people of the “Holy Seed,” must wake up, and regain our lost identity and reclaim our lost history; so we can receive our promised inheritance!

Rev. 18:4-8: Then I heard another voice from heaven say: “Come out of her, My People, so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues; for her sins are piled up to heaven, and YHWH (Eternal Ones) has remembered her crimes. Give back to her as she has given; pay her back double for what she has done. Mix her a double portion from her own cup. Give her as much torture and grief as the glory and luxury she gave herself. In her heart she boasts, 'I sit as queen; I am not a widow, and I will never mourn.' Therefore in one day her plagues will overtake her: death, mourning and famine. She will be consumed by fire, for mighty is the Eternal YHWH (Eternal Ones) who judges her.

The warning is now going out today – as it was promised it would be in the Bible – to all the people of African descent (and those of other races who are wise enough to see and accept the truth) that we must stop believing and conducting ourselves like we are the foster adopted children of the world. We must stop being led around like sheep being led to the slaughter, and reclaim the knowledge that made us the greatest people to ever walk the face of the earth. The return of blacks to their former glory is going to happen whether or not you accept this warning or not. The only difference is going to be that for those who do answer the call to return to our Creators, they will live to rule on the earth once again. And those blacks that continue to cling to the false teachings of their white oppressors; they will suffer the same fate as those who have continued this false religion, false history and false knowledge on the earth.

This will be allowed to happen to us because our ancestors rejected the true knowledge contained in the heavens for a lie they had invented to replace the truth in the heavens: Just as it happened to our ancestors in the past.

Deut. 28:45-50(NIV): All these curses will come upon you. They will pursue you and overtake you until you are destroyed, because you did not obey the YHWH (Eternal Ones) and observe the commands and decrees “We” gave you. Because you did not serve the YHWH (Eternal Ones) joyfully and gladly in the time of prosperity, therefore in hunger and thirst, in nakedness and dire poverty, you will serve the enemies the YHWH (Eternal Ones) sends against you. He will put an iron yoke on your neck until he has destroyed you. The YHWH (Eternal Ones) will bring a nation against you from far away, from the ends of the earth, like an eagle swooping down, a nation whose language you will not understand, a fierce-looking nation without respect for the old or pity for the young.

And so, this is why our ancestors left Africa, and were brought to the America’s and the Islands of the Caribbean. When a people reject their own Creators and their own Savior, they eventually end up not even remembering their own history. When these people no longer know their true identity. When they have lost their inheritance, and have been taken away to a foreign land where they learn to worship the god of their enemies; they will now resist the truth, and cling to the lies they have been told all their lives. They now love the god of their enemies as their own god. It doesn’t matter that this god looks nothing like them. They now hate their own image, and love the image of those who enslaved them. They want to be delivered from their suffering, but in this confused state, they want this deliverance to come from the god of their enemies. The very same god that was responsible for enslaving them in the first place. In this confused state of self-hatred, they can’t understand that they will never receive deliverance from the god and the people who profit from their captivity. And now, today, it doesn’t matter whether or not your ancestors were forced to leave Africa, or whether you left Africa on your own, or whether you are still living on the continent of Africa: The whole world has been deceived by this Bible the Europeans have taken to every people and every nation.

In the world today, the number of people who follow the false teachings of this altered Bible (Christianity) is well over One Billion, and when you add those that follow the false teachings of the other book this false religion is also responsible for bringing on the earth, which is the Quran (Islam): This figure reaches to over a staggering Two Billion people living on the earth that have accepted a concept, in one form or another, of a single male creator.

Mtt. 7:13-14(NIV): “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow is the road that leads to life – And Only A Few Find It!

I know most of you were expecting to finally have the truth of the word Jesus explained in this Bible study, but my friend Paul made me realize that I needed to first show that this Nubian Kingdom is indeed mentioned in the Bible. It is the first world ruling kingdom to appear on the earth, and it is the first world ruling kingdom mentioned in the Bible: Only the name and location has now been changed in order to validate the European’s claim to these stories that originally described our lost ancient history. In the “Letters To The Black Man And Woman” series on the website, this subject of the Nubian Empire is discussed with much more shocking revelations then what could be covered in this Bible study. We will continue with the uncovering of what is the real Jesus in our next Bible study.


After This I Saw Another Angel Coming Down From Heaven. He Had Great Authority, And The
Earth Was Illuminated By His Splendor. With A Mighty Voice He Shouted: “Fallen! Fallen Is Babylon The Great!

“It was a religious system that left Africa, and grew until it has, in one fashion or another, now covered the earth. And you are now being warned to come out of this world ruling government, world ruling religion, and world ruling - CALENDAR!”

Rev. 18:4-8: Then I heard another voice from heaven say: “Come out of her, My People, so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues; for her sins are piled up to heaven, and YHWH (Eternal Ones) has remembered her crimes. Give back to her as she has given; pay her back double for what she has done. Mix her a double portion from her own cup. Give her as much torture and grief as the glory and luxury she gave herself. In her heart she boasts, 'I sit as queen; I am not a widow, and I will never mourn.' Therefore in one day her plagues will overtake her: death, mourning and famine. She will be consumed by fire, for mighty is the Eternal YHWH (Eternal Ones) who judges her.

The United States of America has started to implode as a nation and a world leader. Its decline has been sudden and unprecedented. The lost of its aura of invincibility has come with such swiftness it is unparalleled in modern history. The entire world is watching the collapse of the world’s last super power right before their eyes.

Rev. 18:9-10: “When the kings of the earth who committed adultery with her and shared her luxury see the smoke of her burning; they will weep and mourn over her. Terrified at her torment, they will stand far off and cry: “’Woe! Woe, O great city, O Babylon, city of power! In one hour your doom has come!’

In the next few years, millions and even billions of people are not going to be able to comprehend what their eyes are witnessing. The coming events will be so disturbing they are going to defy logic and suspend reality. As the United States of America enters its final death throws, and the world economy begins to suffer more and more as a result of placing their trust (and money) in this system: A world economic collapse will bring the nations of this planet to financial devastation. Hunger and starvation, sickness and disease will be the plight of billions worldwide. Many of the world’s poorest nations are already experiencing the first wave of what’s coming. In these nations, there is already a food shortage, water shortage, medical supply shortage, and an energy shortage. The worst is yet to come!

There will also be major upheavals of natural disasters occurring around the planet. In less then five years, the United States alone has experienced devastating hurricanes that have left large portions of the Gulf Coast almost uninhabitable. Not to mention the natural disasters experienced this year alone in China, Burma and other places on the earth, which left hundreds of thousands, maybe even a million, dead in their wake. And the worst is yet to come!

The United State’s invasion, and subsequent endless war, that has exasperated and accelerated the tensions between the nations of the world, and now has all the people on earth living under a nuclear threat. And the worst is still yet to come!

The Ancient Egyptians predicted that just before the destructive devastation that signal the end of one era (epoch) of civilization; the Firebird (phoenix) would appear in the sky, and reappear to usher in the new era. The Mayan calendar also predicted this event to the very day. But, mankind has been given religions that tells them to just have faith in the unknown. Religions that tell there followers to disconnect from the science of the world and the universe they live in, and believe in unsubstantiated claims and unproven dogma: In essence, live in a world of illusion; a world of fantasies, fables and blatant lies. So, on June 8, 2004 when one of the rarest astronomical events ever witnessed by human eyes happened; most people went about their normal day totally oblivious of the significance of the planet Venuses orbit transiting the planet directly in front of the sun. Therefore, according to the ancient Egyptians and the Mayans, the phoenix’s (firebird) appearance, which is suppose to warn mankind that the end of an era is approaching; went completely unnoticed by a world that has been deceived into disconnecting from the reality of the world and universe they live in.

Almost two years later, to the day, the website went online. And it has been the only voice, a voice crying out in the “wilderness” amongst the lies and the confusion: exclaiming for all to hear that the time of restoration of all things has finally come.
Mtt. 17:10-11: And His disciples asked Him, saying, “Why then do the scribes say that Elijah must come first?” Then the Savior answered and said to them, “Elijah truly is coming first and will restore all things. (Emphasis and changes mine)

The Savior was speaking in future tense, not past tense; he was not, at that moment, speaking of John the Baptist. He was talking about the time in the distant future when just before the end of the age the truth of the Bible would be restored to the earth.

Mal. 4:5: “See, I will send you the prophet Elijah before that great and dreadful day of the Eternal comes. He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers; or else I will come and strike the land (whole earth) with a curse.”

But you are not listening! Like your fathers before you, and those before them; we are a people who hate and reject the truth, and instead love and worship the lie. As the walls of this nation is starting to tumble down all around you, and the other nations on earth are reeling in disbelief; you continue to look to someone (who is as much a part of this system as any other) just because he has the same skin color as ours. You are drowning! You are about to die! The message of life is being offered to you, but you want a false leader. You want to save the system that has enslaved you. You want a miracle. But the only miracle that will be given to this lost generation is the fact that this knowledge, which has been lost to the earth for thousands of years, is now being restored to us. But, you can’t see that. You invite me to your meetings, conferences, and services. You want me to become your partner. Yet not one of you has even so much as read a single letter that can show you the way to safety. Not one of you has even taken the time to investigate these letters to see if your own life is truly in danger. I’m standing on a huge yacht with a life preserver in my hand, and what do you do? Do you ask me to please throw you the life preserver so you can become a part of this work that is restoring the truth to our people? No! You ask me to come down and drown in the water with you. Part of me want to say “Drown and Die!” Because, I will not get back into that water!

But! There is another part of me that want so desperately for as many of our people as possible to open their eyes and look around them before it’s too late. There is a part of me that wants to plea with you to, for once in your life – Think! Use the intelligent reasoning power that we, as a people, have been gifted with, and connect the dots, put the pieces to the puzzle together, and save yourselves. Time is running out. There is not much time left before the phoenix will make its reappearance. Soon, you are going to wish you would have listen to this warning. Soon, you are going to regret not getting your hands on these letters when you had the chance. You are going to regret not having access to the only source that’s providing the information that ensures surviving the next few years. One thing will be for certain though, you will not be able to stand before the Two Creators and say you did not get the warning, because the Creators have promised that the message of their plan for this earth will go out to all nations as a warning!

Mtt. 24:14: And this message of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations – And Then The End Will Come! (Emphasis and changes mine)

This message has been going out worldwide since June 2006, there is now only three more years left before the planet Venus will make its final transit in front of the sun in our lifetime. So, I’m going to finish this Bible study I’ve started, but this maybe the last Bible study I’m going to do here for a while. For the next few months, I’m going to return to focusing my attention on preparing those who have read the letters for what’s about to take place on the earth in the coming years.


The United States is only the last in a long line of world ruling nations to decline from its earlier greatness. The records of history are clear, in almost every case, these great empires collapsed from within. Each decline of these empires ushered in a new era of mankind. It took a total of twenty-one thousands years to pass before mankind’s collective knowledge had developed to the point of forming civilization’s first world ruling empire. It is without question that this first empire was the African Nubian Empire, and it is without question that this empire ruled over the “Age of Gold.” This great empire would be responsible for introducing mankind to the knowledge in the heavens that revealed the Two Creators. It would be this empire that would teach mankind to live by these laws of heaven, and gave mankind the Holy Calendar, which started the year in harmony with the laws of nature. This empire would rule on the earth for fourteen thousands years, with its crowning achievement being the building of the “House of Glory and Dominion,” which is the Great Pyramid in Egypt, just before the end of its era. THE BOOK OF ENOCH, The Apocalypse of Weeks.

After ruling and civilizing the world for thousands of years, the world’s first great empire began to experience its decline from greatness as well. The collapse began from within the empire itself. As the new “Age of Silver” began, mankind’s knowledge continued to increase, but his ethics and morals began to decrease, and deceitfulness would become the common practice of the priesthood. Wisdom would become forsaken for lawlessness. Knowledge began to be disguised in symbolism and rituals. Soon there was a god for every event and custom of the people. This was the era (epoch) of the explosion of the gods. The priesthood became corrupt with greed and power. This once mighty kingdom was now divided in two: The upper kingdom of Ethiopia and the lower kingdom of Egypt. (In the European’s corruption of these events; their bible calls the upper kingdom Israel, and the lower Kingdom is called Judah.) Ethiopia would retain the truth of the Two Creators for many years, but would eventually lose out to a new religion that was soon to appear on the earth.

After more then three thousands years of the land’s corruption, and the priesthood becoming a “den of thieves:” A “Man” appeared in the land. He would denounce the priest, and warn the people to return to the gods of their fathers. Many in the two kingdoms would listen to him, and some became his followers. The priesthood would orchestrate his murder, and “He” would “Ascend.” THE BOOK OF ENOCH, The Apocalypse of Weeks.

The followers of the teachings of the “Man” would eventually leave Egypt in a great exodus. Some would travel north, and some went south, but most would travel west and settle on the west coast of Africa. THE AFRICANS WHO WROTE THE BIBLE, by Nana Banchie Darkwah, Ph. D., pg. 230-231

The priesthood, to rally the people to accept a new teaching, which they wanted to introduce throughout the kingdom, would use the “Man’s” death. Now, the time for the death of the gods had come. The time for the birth of a new god had finally come, and the old gods would no longer be worship. This new god would be supreme. He would stand alone, and he would no longer have an equal. He would no longer need a female counterpart, because he would be the Son (sun) of the old gods!

With the announcement of the birth of “Horace” the Son (sun) of the gods came the transition from polytheism – the worship of more then one god, to monotheism – the worship of a single god! And, thus was the end of the age of the gods! The “Silver Age” of mankind ended with the announcement of the new supreme Son (sun) of the gods! From this point forward, the gods of the old kingdom (Testament) would no longer be the supreme gods. Mankind would no longer worship the Male Force (god) and the Female Force (goddess) the same again. Only the new supreme Son (sun) of the gods would now be worshiped in the new kingdom (Testament)!

But this announcement was more than just the beginning of the “Bronze Age” of mankind. This announcement also meant that the old ways of doing things would also have to change. The old way, which taught that the year was a great circle with an imaginary horizontal line dividing the daylight portion of the year from the night portion of the year at the two equinoxes, would no longer be the teachings of the priesthood. This type of year symbolized the Two Creators – The Sun and The Moon. A scheme was devised to change the image of the year from that of a circle to that of a man. In the annual travel of the sun across the sky, twice in the year the sun appears to stand still in the sky. These two times of the year mark the longest day of the year (summer solstice), and the shortest day of the year (winter solstice). This cult of priest, instead of dividing the year with one imaginary horizontal line, which made the year two equal halves of a circle or hemispheres (half-circle), would now add an additional imaginary vertical line that would now divide the year; instead, at four seasons of the year. From this point forward, the year would only be determined by the travel of the Son (sun) god Horace! In this new sun worship (Horace) religion, the dates of the year would be fixed by the movement of the sun only. Since the fixed times of the year for the sun are the solstice: The sun worshiping religion would start the year during or as close to this time of the year as possible. The start of the year, then, would now have to change from being in harmony with nature, which is the spring of the year, to the time of darkness – summer solstice (winter solstice for the European's)! The ending and beginning of the day would now change from the last visible light at sunset to the complete darkness of midnight (the point of the Solstice if the year was a twenty-four hour day). The sun (Horace then, and Jesus today; for those who where not aware of what they were actually worshiping) would be the center and focal point of the teachings of this religion, and these teaching would be shrouded in mystery and symbolisms. The old agricultural year of spring (planting) and fall (harvesting) would now change to the new year of science, medicine, and technology. And it would be the false applications of these new teachings, which were appearing on the earth for the first time that would be used to lure people away from the old gods of nature, harmony, and creation.

This new image for the “New Year” had to replace the old image of a circle for the year. An elaborate story, base on some truth, was conjured up to convince the people to transition from the old gods to the new Son (sun) of the gods! This story would tell of the death of the father Osiris (Sun), and the birth of his son Horace (sun). Most of you have already read, at least, one version of this story, so I will not go into details here, but suffice it to say; that these stories are all symbolisms of how the sun religion would kill off the observance of the year (and months) being determined by the phases of the moon. It would be this story that would be used to introduce this new symbol for this year created by the human mind, and not based on the actual movement of the lights in the heavens! The image of glory, the “Circle” became the image of that of a – Man!

Cross of Life

Incredibly, "life" after death was expressed by the ankh cross, another symbol with a counterpart in Christianity. The ankh was the most revered and prolific emblem in Egypt. It was inscribed on tombs and temples and it was depicted in the hands of gods, kings, priests, viziers, ordinary citizens, and their children. No one knows its origins. It’s meaning of "life" after death is strikingly similar to the meaning of Christ’s crucifix, also symbolic of "life" after death. (Jesus’ Doctrine of Eternal Life is a recurring theme in the New Testament. In John 11:25 Jesus says: "I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die.") It should be noted that symbolists see in the ankh the outline of a crucified man: the circle represents his head, the horizontal line his two arms, and the vertical line his legs nailed to the cross as one.

The name "Osiris" (Ausar) in hieroglyphics contains the silhouette of a bearded man with long hair. This is the same image engraved on the anthropomorphic coffins. The nemes headdress, beginning on the forehead of the deceased and resting upon the shoulders, is symbolic of long hair. (The headdress was tied into a ponytail in the back of the head as is often done with long hair.) The plaited beard on the chin represents a long beard. This discovery confronts us with a fascinating mystery:


Osirianised coffins also display a shepherd’s staff in the left hand, a distinctly Christian symbol. (Jesus described himself as the "Good Shepherd" of the human flock. Portraits of Christ show him holding the shepherd’s staff.) The shepherd’s staff was depicted in the hands of Osiris in Egyptian artwork. In literature his epithets sa and Asar-sa mean "shepherd" and "Osiris the shepherd." The term shepherd seems an appropriate title for a beloved spiritual leader whose religion of resurrection promised life after death for the wayward soul. DO ANCIENT EGYPTIAN ARTIFACTS ENSHRINE THE IMAGE OF CHRIST, by Richard Russell Cassaro (Emphasis and Changes Mine)

So, it is the Ankh (which would later be changed to the Christian Cross), which represents the four points drawn by the two imaginary lines of the travel of the Son (sun) god with the sun itself (originally) setting on the point of the solstice that represents the image of a man! It was this sun religion, along with its new teachings of science, medicine, and technology – the four points of the cross – that left Africa, and has now covered the earth. As we saw earlier in this study: A (secret) brotherhood took the worship of this new religion to every region of the ancient world.

There the names were changed from Osiris and Horace to the names of the languages of the inhabitants of the regions of the world they traveled to. That's why this story of a Messiah existed in almost every culture on earth for thousands of years before the European’s version was ever written. It was because of a secret priesthood, secret brotherhood, and a secret society whose goal has always been to dominate and conquer the world with their false religion of sun worship, which is base on a fixed calendar that originated in ancient Egypt. For the last two thousand years; the latest transformation of this secret sun worship religion has been the European's version. Once the Europeans were allowed into this secret society; their rise to world domination began. Once they translated these ancient text into their language; it would be they who would fulfill the mission statement of this secret cult - “World Domination!”

Unlike all those before them, the Europeans would not be satisfied with being a part of this secret society. No, not for the chosen people. For the people who were chosen by god (Satan); the battle cry became - “There can only be one!”

Just as the followers of the ancient Egyptian mystery sun religion were not aware of the truth of what it was they were actually worshiping; the followers of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism are equally as unaware today. In the Bible the European’s are responsible for bringing on the earth, the father Osiris, and the son Horace became one; so the story change from the death of the father to just the death and resurrection of the son. Horace the Sun God of ancient Egypt became Jesus Christ the Sun God of modern day Christianity. And the Ankh of Osiris became the Cross with the actual body Jesus with his head still pointing to solstice, which is, now, the image of a – Man!

Rev. 13:16-17: He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name.

When the Europeans began their crusades to force the nations of the world to accept their new religion; there was wholesale bloodshed and torture for many centuries. Today, these are only stories in history books, but, once, they where the bloodiest times in human history. Now, however, Christians all around the world willingly take their right hand and touch their forehead, stomach, and left and right sides of their chest; thus tracing the “Mark of the Beast” on their bodies! Other Christians simple wear the sign of the beast as a cross around their necks!

Rev. 13:18: This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man’s number. His number is 666.

The whole Christian world, in their deceived state of mind, has been waiting for the appearance of the false Savior, but what they are not aware of is that the false Savior came on the earth a long, long time ago. His number is 666 or 6 + 6 + 6 = 18!

With the aid of the book, “Numbers And You,”we can determine what is the numerical equivalence of this name Jesus by using the oldest form of numerology, which is the Chaldean system. NUMBERS AND YOU, By Lloyd Strayhorn, pg. 24

JESUS – J = 1, E = 5, S = 3, U = 6, S = 3 – 1 + 5 + 3 + 6 + 3 = 18! JESUS = 18!



A sin that was the cause of our forefathers to be lead out of Africa as slaves, because a small cult of priest would be responsible for bringing on the earth a calendar that denied the truth of creation, and the Two Creators; has now grown to a worldwide religion and has deceived the entire world!


There is no other message that will save you. This is the message, and the warning that was promised to come to our people, and all people, just before the end of all things.


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