Wednesday, October 28, 2009



My friend, Ralf, if I were an educator, which I'm not, I think there would be more people seeing and hearing what I have to say. But, let us take this moment now, and the question to you is this – if you so strongly believe in Egypt being the first country with the first writing, then where do you believe the progenitor of Egypt came from, and what language were they speaking?
Prince Yosef II

Shalom, to you Yosef. I hope you don't mine me calling you just by your name Yosef. Responding to your questions could get a little tedious if I have to use your formal tittle each time I address you. I would like to first say that I appreciate your taking the time to write me with your questions, and although I'm only beginning this study with one of the questions you asked of me; I fully intend to cover the subject of your other question as well.

It is interesting for me that I should be receiving these questions at this particular time, because I have been attempting to complete this bible study for quite some time now. And it was your questions that crystallized what needed to be addressed by me in order to move this study further along towards completion. So, I also thank you for given me the opportunity to answer the concerns you have put before me. It is only due to the fact that your questions have help to redirect me and to refocus my attention on completing this bible study; that I will now make part two of this series available for all to read on the Internet. When all is said and done; I'm sure there will be some who will be grateful to you for asking the questions that led to this information being made available for all. Since this is only our first time communicating, and you have not completed the, “Letters To The Black Man And Woman” series, nor have you completed the other bible study courses either; your participation in this bible study course will be limited to just part two of this series, which in; I intend to cover the information that deals with the questions you have asked of me. However, as you can see from the title, “What Is The Name Of The True Savior,” the subject matter of this bible study will far extend the area of your inquiry. Although, I have no doubt, whatsoever, that the information you are about to receive, however limited by comparison to the fullness of the information that could be gleamed from this entire study, will still open your mind in the most shocking and amazing of ways. I am delivering information that will be, not only for you, but also for all those in the future who are to read and participate in completing this bible study course – a revelation that has not been understood for thousands of years..

How this information will be received and interpreted will be left entirely up to you and each individual as the readers of this material. I have stated in numerous other places that the bible promised that just before the end of this corrupted age; all truth would be restored back on the earth. So, I'm just the promised messenger who must speak what has been revealed to him.

MTT. 17:11; (The Savior) replied, “To be sure, Elijah comes and will restore all things.
Mal.4:5-6; “See, I will send you the prophet Elijah before that great and dreadful day of the (Eternal) comes. He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers; or else I will come and strike the land (earth) with a curse.” (changes mine)

Whether or not you agree or disagree is immaterial: What really matters for the survival of all life on this planet is that the bible promises that someone would come just before the end of the age and “will restore all things.” This person will come in the spirit and power of Elijah, and he will be commissioned to attempt to awaken two lost people: Those that remained in Africa (the fathers), and those that were sent away into slavery (the children). Should this attempt be unsuccessful, due to the deception that has now covered the earth, and the ignorance of the original created people; then all the end time promises of destruction for this present civilization will take place. That's what's important and that's what's at stake: The survival of the human race! So, it would behoove everyone who read these materials, that I have written, to research and prove for themselves, with due diligence, everything that is stated in the letters and these bible studies before the time alloted to this corrupted civilization runs out.

MTT. 24:14; And this (message) of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. (changes and emphasis mine)

Now that I have established the purpose, once again, for why I say and do the things I do, which is to warn mankind of the great lie that has deceived the whole world (If you need more proof of the urgency of the times we're living in; visit my blog page, to read other of my end time articles): We can now turn our attention back to the subject of this bible study, and providing you with the answers you seek. In part one, it was demonstrated that the true origin of the name Jesus can be traced all the way back to the mystery sun-worship religion of ancient Egypt. So, the question that needs to be asked here, as a follow up, is why does the name of the European's savior has its origin in the ancient African nation of Egypt, which existed for thousands of years before the Europeans even developed a written language? Yet today, their savior is presented to the world with European (Caucasian) features, and coming from the area of the Middle East. So, lets recap: The name is clearly, and can be proven to be, an ancient Egyptian name for the personification of the sun. The man, himself, was supposedly of European descent, and the son (Sun) of the creator of heaven and earth. These facts alone, should show that Christianity is nothing more then the continuation of the ancient sun-worship religion that had its origin in ancient Egypt. But now, instead of the personage of the sun being the black man Horus; he is a white European man who still has a name (Jesus) that shows the original source for the religion he supposedly established on the earth. Only if one allows the understanding of this revelation to become a permanent fixture in their thought process; will they finally be able to see this great deception, that holds all of mankind captive, for what it truly is. Unless you come to see the true abomination and evil existing on the earth, which is Christianity, Islam, and Judaism; you will suffer the same consequences the followers of these religions can expect to experience in the not so distant future.


This now brings me to the first of your questions. Yosef, originally, you wanted me to explain why I use the “J” (JAH) when spelling the first half of the Tetragrammaton as opposed to spelling it with the “Y” (Yah), which you stated is the more correct way to spell it. As you already know, there has been much attention paid to this particular subject. And an equally amount of opinions have been placed on paper with very convincing arguments for the “Y” being the correct choice in spelling this word. And it is probably from these opinions of others that have lead you to believe that the “Y” is the correct alphabet needed in order to arrive at the correct spelling. So, lets examine this argument with our eyes wide open.

The 'J' Didn't Exist
One of the most obvious reasons that "Jesus" and "Jehovah" are incorrect is found in their common initial letter, J. Most comprehensive dictionaries and encyclopedias demonstrate that the letter J is of recent derivation. The Encyclopedia Americana contains the following on the J:
The form of J was unknown in any alphabet until the 14th century. Either symbol (J,I) used initially generally had the consonantal sound of Y as in year. Gradually, the two symbols (J,l) were differentiated, the J usually acquiring consonantal force and thus becoming regarded as a consonant, and the I becoming a vowel. It was not until 1630 that the differentiation became general in England.

The letter J developed from the letter I and was used to avoid confusion. Chambers's Encyclopedia says that in medieval handwriting the small i was liable to be confused with one of the strokes of a preceding or following u. Therefore an oblique stroke and later a dot was often made over the i. Alternately, the i was prolonged below the line.
The J and its I sound is still used in the German language. In the names of the months of January, June, and July, the German keeps the "ee" sound much like our Y. For example, July is pronounced "Yulee."

Note the substantiating comments of the Encyclopedia Americana regarding The Letter J: It is one of the few permanent additions to those alphabets, made in medieval or modern times. More exactly, it was not an addition, but a differentiation from an existing letter, i, which in Latin, besides being a vowel (as in index), had also the consonantal value of "Y" (as in maior, pronounced "mayor"). At a later stage, the symbol "J" was used for distinctive purposes, particularly when the "I" had to be written initially (or in conjunction with another "I"). Either symbol used initially generally had the consonantal sound of "Y" (as in year) so that the Latin pronunciation of either Ianuarius or Januarius was as though the spelling was "Yanuarius." While in some words of Hebrew and other origin (such as Hallelujah or Junker), "J" has the phonetic value of "Y." YAHWEH'S ASSEMBLY IN MESSIAH, The Missing J

At first glance, the quoted information above appears to support your claim that the “J” is the incorrect way of spelling the Tetragrammaton. The problem is that more than a first glance should be given to what's being stated here. And, because no one has taken the time to really investigate this argument; the “Y” has made a seamless transition as the replacement for the “J” in most discussions on this subject, and even some religions. The best way to describe what is actually taking place in the argument above is by explaining the sorcerer's art of using misdirection to cause a person to focus on one thing while missing somethings else that is going on at the same time. Anyone who has ever seen a magician's act, fully understands this principal. The magician causes the audience to focus on the card that seems to levitate from his left hand while, at the same time, pulling on an invisible string with his right hand to cause this illusion. In the argument above; the reader is being deliberately misdirected from the actual facts that are being stated so they can be led to believe an untruth. We are first told that the “J” didn't originally existed in any language, and then we are told that it came into existence from the “I” that did exist in ancient languages. Now here is the misdirection; the languages that are being discussed in this argument are English and Germain both of which are European languages. So, the first question that should be asked here is: When did English or Germain become the language of the Bible? A discussion that is totally unrelated to the language used in the original writing of the bible is being used to justify changing the spelling of a word that occurred in the original ancient text that now make up the bible we have today.. An elaborate discussion is being given on the pronunciation of the sounds the “Y” and the “J' makes in these languages. But, these languages are not the language of those who wrote the bible. In fact, they didn't even come into existence until thousands of years after the original text was written. And we need to remember that the discussion is actually about trying to be determine what is the correct spelling, and not what is the correct pronunciation of this word.

The next misdirection is found when the languages of Latin and Hebrew are mentioned in order to give some type of ancient authenticity to this argument. In this part of the discussion by those who insist on the “Y” being used; the reader is now being led to believe that the Latin and the Hebrew supports their claim. But all that is happening here is a restatement of a false assumption. The argument continues to be the false justification for pronunciation in languages that did not exist during the time of the writing of the actual ancient text. Latin is not the language of the bible, and nor is the language that is modern day Hebrew.

When the Khazars in the 1st century B.C. invaded eastern Europe their mother-tongue was an Asiatic language, referred to in the Jewish Encyclopedia as the "Khazar languages". They were primitive Asiatic dialects without any alphabet or any written form. When King Bulan was converted in the 7th century he decreed that the Hebrew characters he saw in the Talmud and other Hebrew documents was thereupon to become the alphabet for the Khazar language. The Hebrew characters were adopted to the phonetics of the spoken Khazar language. The Khazars adopted the characters of the so-called Hebrew language in order to provide a means for providing a written record of their speech. The adoption of the Hebrew characters had no racial, political or religious implication. The western European uncivilized nations which had no alphabet for their spoken language adopted the alphabet of the Latin language under comparable circumstances. With the invasion of western Europe by the Romans the civilization and the culture of the Romans was introduced into these uncivilized areas. Thus the Latin alphabet was adopted for the language of the French, Spanish, ENGLISH, Swedish and many other western European languages. These languages were completely foreign to each other yet they all used the same alphabet. The Romans brought their alphabet with their culture to these uncivilized nations exactly like the rabbis brought the Hebrew alphabet from Babylonia to the Khazars when they introduced writing to them in the form of the Talmud's alphabet.

Since the conquest of the Khazars by the Russians and the disappearance of the Khazar Kingdom the language of the Khazars is known as Yiddish. for about six centuries the so-called or self- styled "Jews" of eastern Europe have referred to themselves while still resident in their native eastern European countries as "Yiddish" by nationality. They identified themselves as "Yiddish" rather than as Russian, Polish, Galician, Lithuanian, Rumanian, Hungarian or by the nation of which they were citizens. They also referred to the common language they all spoke as "Yiddish" also. There are today in New York City as you know, my dear Dr. Goldstein, many "Yiddish" newspapers, "Yiddish" theaters, and many other cultural organizations of so-called or self-styled "Jews" from eastern Europe which are identified publicly by the word "Yiddish" in their title. Before it became known as the "Yiddish" language, the mother-tongue of the Khazars added many words to its limited ancient vocabulary as necessity required. These words were acquired from the languages of its neighboring nations with whom they had political, social or economic relations. Languages of all nations add to their vocabularies in the same way. The Khazars adapted words to their requirements form the German, the Slavonic and the Baltic languages. The Khazars adopted a great number of words from the German language. The Germans had a much more advanced civilization than their Khazar neighbors and the Khazars sent their children to German schools and universities.

The "Yiddish" language is not a German dialect. Many people are led to believe so because "Yiddish" has borrowed so many words from the German language. If "Yiddish" is a German dialect acquired from the Germans then what language did the Khazars speak for 1000 years they existed in eastern Europe before they acquired culture from the Germans? The Khazars must have spoken some language when they invaded eastern Europe. What was that language? When did they discard it? How did the entire Khazar population discard one language and adopt another all of a sudden? The idea is too absurd to discuss. "Yiddish" is the modern name for the ancient mother-tongue of the Khazars with added German, Slavonic and Baltic adopted and adapted numerous words.


As I stated before, they are as totally different as Swedish and Spanish which both likewise use the same Latin characters for their alphabets. The "Yiddish" languages is the cultural common denominator for all the so-called or self-styled "Jews" in or from eastern Europe. To the so-called or self-styled "Jews" in and from eastern Europe, "Yiddish" serves them like the English language serves the populations of the 48 states of the United States. Their cultural common denominator throughout the 48 states is the English language, or wherever they may emigrate and resettle. The English language is the tie which binds them to each other. It is the same with the "Yiddish" language and so-called or self-styled "Jews" throughout the world.

During the 10th, 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries the rapidly expanding Russian nation gradually swallowed up the Khazar kingdom, its neighbor directly to the south. The conquest of the Khazar Kingdom by the Russians supplies history with the explanation for the presence after the 13th century of the large number of so-called or self-styled "Jews" in Russia. The large number of so-called or self-styled "Jews" in Russia and in eastern Europe after the destruction of the Khazar Kingdom were thereafter no longer known as Khazars but as the "Yiddish" populations of these many countries. They so refer to themselves today. FACTS ARE FACTS, By Benjamin H. Freedman

What we have today in what's called modern day Hebrew (Yiddish) is a language that is perpetrating as the ancient language of the bible. The reality of the actual facts, however, is that neither these people nor their language have any connection, whatsoever, with the actual people and the actual language of those who created the original text that became the bible we have today. The primitive people that spoke the language that became known as the Yiddish language, which had no written language of its own, simply borrowed the alphabets of the ancient language of the biblical text that the correct pronunciation of its letters had long since, for many centuries, been lost to the human ear. And, as also just revealed, the language that had the greatest influence on the early stages of the development of the pronunciation of these borrowed alphabets was the Germain language, and that's why we have been force feed a continual diet of why the European Germain language, which also has no connection to the bible whatsoever, proves that the “Y” gives the correct pronunciation for the first half of the Tetragrammaton. In a future installment to this bible study series, we are going to learn why the “Y,” “J,” and the “I” have the same phonetic value. We will also examine why the gods of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are all really the same god, and why this fact, alone, now makes it imperative that the “Y” is used today instead of the “J” by all those who wish to be recognized by organized religion.

Yosef, I hope that by my providing the actual facts for your consideration; you will now understand why I'm convinced, completely, that the “Y” is in fact the wrong letter to use in the correct spelling of the first half of the Tetragrammaton. Now to answer your second question, which I used to begin this bible study. First, let me see if I can rephrase your question just to make sure that all my readers will be able to understand what it is you are asking of me. You want me to explain why, not only I, but many others, are convinced that the nation that developed the first written language on earth was the ancestors for those who would later come to be known as the Egyptians. Is that correct? Have I summed up what is the information you are seeking from me? I do hope so, because this is the information that is needed to prove that the “J” (in its modern form) is the only letter that will give the correct spelling to the Tetragrammaton.

Once again, had you completed the letter series, “Letters To The Black Man And Woman,” the specifics of your question would have already been provided for you. So, I will not deal with this aspect of your question here, because I have already provided the answer elsewhere. What I will do, however, is show how this ancient African nation developed the very first written language and mathematic system. It could almost be implied in your question that the development of a sophisticated alphabetical system and written language, also a complicated mathematics system, could not have come from the human mind of such (supposedly) primitive people. Because of the fact that today, mankind has lost its way and no longer have access to the knowledge of this first civilization; many people have turned to out of body and out of atmosphere explanations for why a people of a long lost ancient culture were able to create such an advance civilization that is now the foundation upon which all other civilizations are being supported on its back. And because of the sins of these people, who were the first to discovered and recorded this information; access to this knowledge had been removed from the earth for most of mankind. And, because this sin was so egregious; a great deception has now been allowed to be pulled over the eyes of all the people on this planet. Mankind has accepted every possible explanation that could be conceived by the human (and even not human) mind to try to theorize how this ancient civilization came upon the earth. But the answer to how they achieved their greatness was left for all to read in the ancient text that were originally written with their own hands.

Ps. 19:1-4; The heavens declare the glory of JHWH; the skies proclaim the work of Their hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world.

Yosef, another thing that seems to be implied in your question is that the knowledge that made the ancient Egyptian great went extincted with the fall of their civilization. But the truth is, we live under the same skies the ancient Egyptians did. The heavens above for us is the same heavens that were staring down on the ancient people of the African plains thousands of years ago. So the truth that revealed itself to these ancient people is still shouting this knowledge to a civilization that lost the understanding of how to listen, and what to listen for, many years ago. But, as the bible promised, this knowledge, too, would return to the earth to bring judgment on a civilization that has turned its back on the truth contained in the heavens.

Dan. 12:9-10; He replied: “Go your way, Daniel, because the words are closed up and sealed until the time of the end. Many will be purified, made spotless and refined, but the wicked will continue to be wicked. None of the wicked will understand, but those who are wise will understand.

Just before judgment is to be carried out on this end time generation; the truth will be restored back on the earth to awaken those who are now lost by bathing them in the purifying light that is contained in the heavens. This light is the true source of the knowledge that made the ancient Egyptian civilization great. And now mankind has reached the point in its history when access to this knowledge has, once again, returned to the descendants of these original African people. This knowledge is universal, and does not require the understanding of a lost ancient language, because it has always, since the beginning of time, shined down on all people from all nations: That why I'm now able to explain how the people of this ancient African nation came to discover the written language and formed the first mathematical system.


As I revealed in the bible study, “In Search Of The Holy Calendar,” the ancients understood something that we as modern men and women have never came to realize: That is that the universe, the earth, and all life on it – is connected. By observing the heavens above; they came to realize that there were two (and only two) forces that controlled and regulated all the laws of the universe, and all life here on earth. By opening their eyes and observing what was happening all around them in their world, and seeing the same results in the heavens; they came to understand these two laws as “The Male Force” and “The Female Force.” It was observed that life could only come from “Energy,” which they called “Spirit.” To them, it was the male force that provided the energy to impart life. They also observed that an additional requirement was needed in order for life to exist. It needed to be housed in a vessel or “Matter.” They observed that it was the female force that provided the vessel for energy to be housed in matter, which, then, produced life. This was something that they could observed in every aspect of their existence here on earth, and when they looked to the heavens. They observed that it was the energy from the sun's rays that fertilized the seeds planted in the vessel that is the earth. So, it was the sun that came to represent the spirit (energy), which to them was the male force. They observed that the moon received its light from the sun, and it was this vessel that reflected this light back to the earth in the night sky. So the moon came to represent the female force. But to them, it was more then just energy and matter: They clearly understood these forces to be the “Life Givers:” To the creation of the universe itself, and to even all life that existed here on the earth. They clearly understood that in order for these two forces to operate; it required intelligent reasoning power, and design capability. They understood the connection that life here on earth has to all things in the universe, because this connection was revealed to them!


And, they needed away to convey to others the existence of these “Two Creators.” They needed to develop symbols that all people would be able to understand for these two “Law Givers,” which by now had come to represent the “Sun” and the “Moon.” So, the symbol they chose to represent the male force would be the male's erect penis or a 1. The symbol chosen to represent the female force was the female's vagina or the 0. And it would be these two symbols (which represented the Two Creators or Two Law Givers) that would simultaneously become the very first numbers of their numerical system and the very first alphabets of their alphabetical system.

It is derived from the two letters (or numbers) which in the beginning of typology symbolized the two first elements, spirit and matter, into which the primal One Life bifurcated. They are the I (or 1) symboling the male or spirit, and the O (letter) or 0 (cipher) symboling the female or material universe. Together they represented the biune male-female deity. We have, then, the letters IO, or the number 10. As the vowels were freely interchanged, in ancient languages, the name was written either IO, IA, IE, or IU, and all these forms are found. THE GREAT MYTH OF THE SUN-GODS, By Alvin Boyd Kuhn

So, the “I” was the very first alphabet to ever be formed by the human hand, and it didn't just represent simply a letter like we understand it today: It represented a far more spiritual concept then we are able to fully grasp in this modern area we live in. It, along with the O, connected all people of this ancient African civilization to the very origin of their existence: To the origin of their “Creation!”


And it would be these two numbers or alphabets that would be responsible for imparting the intelligence that would never to be equaled again in human history to this ancient culture, because like every civilization that has come after it, Egypt would eventually be succumbed to the mysteries that would reshaped all knowledge into the lies that exist on the earth today.
So, you see Yosef, you don't have to be able to speak the ancient language of this long lost civilization in order to understand that the “Y” of today is the wrong letter to be used in the Tetragrammaton. But, you do have to be able to understand the laws that exist in the heavens in order to know, proof positive, that the letter “J,” which in our modern alphabet is a variant of the ancient “I;” is more closer to the correct spelling of this ancient word.

We have only just begun to have the truth of this lost knowledge revealed back to us in the first two parts to this bible study, and for those of us who wish to know the truth of our ancient ancestors, and those who wish to see, with their own eyes, the true message of the bible come to life: Will really want to finish reading this bible study course so, they can be among those that will be purified and protected by the true Two Creators of the universe from the coming destruction for this planet. The remaining lessons of this bible study will only be provided to those who have completed the letters and the other bible study courses.

If you have not, as of yet, read the complete set of “The Letters To The Black Man And Woman” series; visit to order these very important letters.

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